Us Of Ed



Ed Blakely has served in different capacities under a succession of presidential administrations, has guided government policy on urban planning and is a widely cited academic. My name is Sean Britten, and each week, Ed and I have a chat about whats the latest news out of the United States, talking everything politics, planning and policy from sea to shining sea.


  • Waiting, Waiting, Waiting

    17/02/2022 Duración: 22min

    "I just don't see where Biden can go, because the second half of his promise is dead." The situation on the Ukraine border remains confusing, just how Putin wants it, with an anticipated invasion not coming to fruition and mixed reports about Russian withdrawal. Meanwhile, at home, the families of some of the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting have reached a landmark settlement with arms manufacturer Remington. Also talking about the latest on the Supreme Court, January 6th, Biden inaction on student debt, and Prince Andrew.

  • Legitimate Political Discourse

    09/02/2022 Duración: 18min

    "You have to curate a narrative that works for your side, truth doesn't count." Little over a year on from the horrific scenes of January 6th in America's capital and already the history books are being rewritten, with politicians seen fleeing for their lives on the day now labelling the invading horde's concerns and actions as perfectly valid. Meanwhile, a state of emergency in Canada as another invading horde cuts off the city of Ottawa over vaccine mandates. Also, the latest on Russia and Ukraine, COVID deaths, the crisis in American education, and Winter Olympics.

  • Cracks Showing

    03/02/2022 Duración: 28min

    "Almost every footy coach I worked with said, the way you practice determines whether you win the game." An opportunity this week for Joe Biden to improve his political fortunes with the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. But with Biden pledging to replace Breyer with a black and female judge the president is being accused of playing identity politics, and some Republicans are aiming to oppose his selection no matter who he picks. Meanwhile, winter storms rocking the East Coast have exposed the fault lines in America's crumbling infrastructure. Also talking about Russia and Ukraine, Honduras' new president, Tom Brady, and Donald Trump's treasonous latest admission.

  • Putin the Band Back Together

    26/01/2022 Duración: 22min

    "This is [Putin's] swan song, he said he was going to get back the USSR. In some ways he's done that." As Russia masses troops on the Ukraine border, the US government has placed 8,500 troops on high alert for possible deployment in Eastern Europe to support a NATO response and "other contingencies". Are we looking down the barrel of World War Three? Meanwhile, a war of words between President Biden and a FOX News reporter on inflation, but what is actually being done to help everyday Americans? Plus, we talk student debt, Louis DeJoy, William Barr before the January 6th committee, and our own Glorious Leader Scott Morrison for Australia Day.

  • Biden Enters 2022 with Little to Show

    20/01/2022 Duración: 25min

    “I don’t know how Biden comes back from this, he’s supposed to be the supreme negotiator.” Ed and Sean are back for 2022, and catching up on the goings on in the US over Christmas and the start of January. And although we had high hopes for Biden's signature Build Back Better Bill toward the end of 2021, both the bill and Democrats seem to be in shambles with plans to now try passing the bill in selective chunks. Plus we look at COVID cases, Fentanyl deaths, Russia, Boris Johnson, Ghislaine Maxwell and the latest on the January 6th investigation.

  • 2021, One for the History Books

    16/12/2021 Duración: 24min

    With a global pandemic, America's withdrawal from Afghanistan after two decades of war, and an attempted overthrow of the US government by an outgoing president, 2021 was most certainly a year for the history books. Ed and Sean take a look at the highlights and lowlights of the year, including the January 6th Coup, responses to COVID-19, Afghanistan, infrastructure, promises made on climate action, trials which underscored America's political and racial divides, as well as the road ahead for Joe Biden and America.

  • Happy New Year?

    09/12/2021 Duración: 15min

    "This should be the rallying cry for Democrats, don't stack the court, stack the legislatures." Abortion rights in the United States are facing what's being called their most significant threat in decades, with the case of a Mississippi fifteen week ban to be heard in mid-2022. What's the political impact likely to look like and what measures will the government likely undertake if Roe v. Wade is overturned? Also the Winter Olympics are already heating up over a US diplomatic boycott being picked up also by allies the UK, Canada and Australia. Also, raising the debt ceiling, vaccine mandates, Russia, Mark Meadows, and exoneration for the accused killers of Malcolm X.

  • New Normal

    01/12/2021 Duración: 12min

    "No one knows how severe it could get but it doesn't sound like it's deadly if you are vaccinated." Omicron, an ominous sounding new variant of COVID is starting to spring up around the globe but what do we really know about its potential? And how will it reflect back on Joe Biden's handling of the pandemic? Plus former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has agreed to produce documents and testify for the House investigation into January 6th, could others follow suit? Also talking Ghislaine Maxwell, the Oxford High School shooting, Steve Bannon, and midterms.

  • Looking for Justice in All the Wrong Places

    25/11/2021 Duración: 19min

    "This is a plague bigger than COVID, more vicious and more random." The acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse has brought in fresh fears of further political violence, but could another couple of high profile cases reassure Americans of the role of the justice system? And contrary to claims made by some big businesses, Americans do want to work but they won't do it for peanuts, with unemployment claims falling to their lowest levels since 1969. Also talking private prisons, China and Taiwan, and bridging the political divide over Thanksgiving dinner.

  • The Far-Right's Hungry Beast

    17/11/2021 Duración: 20min

    "You cannot let this beast continue to be fed." COP26 and an international virtual summit between the US and China have come away with a lot of sweet sounding promises, but will the world see real action? And can the United States really work with China with its current abuses of human rights? Although the United States has plenty of problems at home as well, with Steve Bannon, Kyle Rittenhouse, and persisting belief in election fraud fuelling discontent and a thirst for more political violence.

  • Bipartisan Win for Biden

    11/11/2021 Duración: 18min

    "What the Dems are doing is putting the kitchen sink in there." Just as things were looking dark for Biden, the president has come through with a couple of big wins that have grabbed headlines this week. Firstly, a win on infrastructure with the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, although not everyone is happy, and a diplomatic coup with China at COP26. Also talking about Russia massing troops on the Ukrainian border, continuing AUKUS fallout, putting a man, or woman, on the moon, and Donald Trump's January 6th papers.

  • Greater Clarity

    04/11/2021 Duración: 21min

    "Democrats need to start running on something, not against Trump but for X, Y and Z." A devastating loss in the gubernatorial race for Democrats in Virginia reflects poorly on the delayed and discounted Biden agenda, and could provide a sobering look ahead to the 2022 midterms. Meanwhile, some big promises coming out of COP26 but also some awkward moments, particularly for Aussie PM Scott Morrison, over the AUKUS deal. Plus the latest on Joe Manchin, vaccines and vaccine mandates, Brexit, and Trump's day in court.

  • Half a Loaf? You Could Always Eat the Rich

    28/10/2021 Duración: 18min

    "Now we're in the situation where half a loaf is better than no loaf." Joe Biden getting out of town for COP26, as negotiations for his much reduced infrastructure finally seem to be reaching a penultimate stage but are sure to leave some who voted Biden unhappy. And while yet another climate summit may not be what the world needs, Los Angeles is setting strides with an attempt to be the US' first carbon free city by 2035. Also talking immigration arrests, Iran, a judicial inquiry into the death of Eric Garner, and latest on January 6th.

  • Down to the Bone

    21/10/2021 Duración: 15min

    "The momentum for these bills is gone now, the desire is still there but the momentum is gone." Joe Biden's signature infrastructure bill continues to struggle and has been pared down considerably thanks to the influence of centrist Democrats Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, and the Democrats own razor thin majority in the Senate. And the passing of former Secretary of State Colin Powell has left a notable hole in American politics, but what sort of legacy does the man leave behind? Also talking voting rights, gerrymandering, Steve Bannon, and Biden's pick to head the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency.

  • Power to the People

    14/10/2021 Duración: 21min

    "The debate is really over, the question is how do we implement?" 85% of people around the world have already suffered adverse weather conditions brought on by climate change, according to a report this week. It comes as Nancy Pelosi signals the Biden infrastructure plans, which in part address climate change adaptations, will need to be cut back in order to pass. And COVID has given American workers more power to be selective about how and when they work, as big companies cry foul. Also talking vaccinations for 5-11 year olds, American troops in Taiwan, and Trump trying to invoke executive privilege over the January 6th Committee.

  • Living on the Edge

    07/10/2021 Duración: 14min

    "This is Biden's agenda, if he fails here he fails." Joe Biden spinning his wheels on infrastructure, and coming to the brink of a massive default on US debt as Republicans continue to obstruct any and all bills put before them. Meanwhile, the leak of the Pandora Papers has once again shone a light on the shady dealings of the world's elite and uber-rich but is anything likely to come of it? Also talking calls for Facebook reform, North Korea, and oil spilled off the coast of California.

  • March of the Very Dainty Elephants

    30/09/2021 Duración: 19min

    "For the very first time in my memory, the so-called progressives have the upper hand." At time of recording, fears of a government shutdown are still looming with a bill to resolve the government's funding and debt ceiling yet to be resolved. But Joe Biden's toughest negotiations right now aren't with Republicans but instead with his own party over his signature infrastructure bill. Meanwhile, vaccine deadlines close in on American workers in some states leaving some with no jab, no job. Also talking the Quad, India's economic outlook, the UK fuel shortage, and the circus of the Arizona recount.

  • Running Silent, Running Deep

    23/09/2021 Duración: 21min

    "This is a counter against the Chinese moves... more diplomatic than military." Joe Biden, Boris Johnson and... that fella from Down Under have all signed a pact this week to defend the future security of the Indo-Pacific, against actors that many seem afraid to name (It's China, guys), so what are the benefits for those involved? Also, fears of a government shutdown and a first ever default on US debt loom, which could cause shockwaves through the entire world economy. Also talking child COVID deaths, Haiti, Roe v. Wade, and Trump's campaign against Mitch McConnell.

  • US of Ed SPECIAL: Ida and 9/11, a Tale of Two Crises

    15/09/2021 Duración: 30min

    "People's hope is based on this nostalgia of the past that is not coming back, and they have to place their hope and their confidence in something new." Twenty years since 9/11 and while reminiscences went ahead New York was reeling from another major tragedy, Hurricane Ida, which coincidentally made landfall over Louisiana the same day as Hurricane Katrina did in 2005. In this US of Ed Special, Ed and Sean discuss the impacts of these disasters, old and new, natural and manmade, how they have reshaped both the cities of New Orleans and New York, and how their changing communities may serve as a guide for future cities around the globe.

  • Eye of the Hurricane

    09/09/2021 Duración: 20min

    "The strength of it, the ferocity of it, the horror of it, is something that is all too common now." Hurricane Ida has left a devastating toll as expected but while the levees of New Orleans held it was dramatic scenes and deaths in New York and New Jersey that really stunned the nation. Looking at the continuing fallout plus warnings the US government could blow out its debt ceiling and leave the economy holding the bag. Also talking the Texas abortion battle, Afghanistan, Brazil, and the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

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