Kwesi Speaks



Motivation politics religion institutions


  • Interview with Author and Educator Emeka Barclay

    19/06/2020 Duración: 39min

    Ms. Barclay graciously agreed to give me an exclusive interview on the eve of the release of her sophomore poetry project. Preorder is available on Instagram @emekawrites. Support this podcast at —

  • I Am Not An Anomaly!

    09/06/2020 Duración: 16min

    Despite the stereotypes that I do not fit, I am not an anomaly. When Elijah hid and whines to God that he alone was serving God, God told him that there were at least 7000 that had not bowed Baal. I’m not the only black man that loves God and family, and that dresses appropriately on occasion. I Am A Child of God! Support this podcast at —

  • Interview with Thomas C. Jackson

    07/06/2020 Duración: 37min

    I remember coming to my wits end at failing to fill this guys shoes, and openly declared that “I AM NOT CHRIS!” I needed myself to hear me say it, so that I could take the pressure of being him off of me. I have since matured and happy to share our candid conversation. Support this podcast at —

  • Interview with Minister Bobby Jones Jr.

    07/06/2020 Duración: 39min

    This guy is the epitome of great friend. I had to get him on and pour words of encouragement on and into him. Support this podcast at —

  • Interview with the Radical Phillip Edge

    05/06/2020 Duración: 27min

    Phillip is on fire for God and it is infectious! His schedule is jam packed with service! My first impression was that he was an extremely nice guy with a kind heart; I wasn’t wrong. Here are links to connect with him: Podcast: Instagram: @_phillipedge Facebook: Twitter: @therealpedge Website: Support this podcast at —

  • Interview with Coach Comedian and Mentor Paul Winfield

    04/06/2020 Duración: 21min

    These interviews have revealed to me how strong of a team that I am affiliated with. They aren’t just busy, but they are busy invoking change in people’s lives. Paul is naturally funny and has an infectious personality. I hope you enjoy the interview. Support this podcast at —

  • Interview of Author, Entrepreneur, and Evangelist Larry Cothran

    02/06/2020 Duración: 38min

    Delighted to share this interview with my friend and brother Larry Cothran. The interview does have a brief technical issue; however, the information was so good, that I did not want to risk losing it. Support this podcast at —

  • Interview with Educator and Nice Guy Charles Webb

    30/05/2020 Duración: 34min

    Charles Webb, at one point, was the youngest Professor on the campus of Alabama A&M University. Students were flocking to his class because of his unique ability to teach Math. He trains dogs, has an amazing family, and he and I talked music for two hours after this interview. He is an extremely kind gentleman. Support this podcast at —

  • Interview with Educator and Nice Guy Brett Johnson

    29/05/2020 Duración: 33min

    I met Mr. Brett Johnson while we were both on assignment at McNair Junior High. It was the first year of two rivalry schools being merged together. Brett was teaching and I was mentoring. His ability to maintain his cool amidst it all was nothing short of miraculous. We get a chance to reflect on those days, his life, and one of our former students that was murdered. Support this podcast at —

  • Interview with Coach and Educator Mr. Terrance Young

    28/05/2020 Duración: 25min

    This is the first episode of “The Nice Guy Series.” Due to the current climate in the U.S. stemming from the recent murder of George Floyd by a police officer in Minnesota, our conversation became very therapeutic dialogue from one nice guy to the other. Support this podcast at —

  • Get Up! Get Out, and Get Something!

    22/05/2020 Duración: 11min

    Quarantine was more than enough time to plan your next move. What is the current hold up? If you say that it’s money today, you’re always going to make that excuse. Support this podcast at —

  • What the Governed-meant

    06/05/2020 Duración: 24min

    I’ve read the Preamble and can’t help but recognize the ambiguity of the objectives that are listed in it. The objectives are relative! As long as we constantly compare the present to Colonial times, things look pretty good. What the Governed actually meant by establishing a new government is written in the Declaration of Independence: “...., Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.” By the time we get to the Constitution, those objectives are liquid and take on various shapes depending on who the plaintiff and defendant are. Ahmaud Arbery was murdered and the law is seemingly hesitant to respond properly. We must not render evil for evil. The justice that the Preamble promises is relative, therefore I expect a certain outcome. The government is no different from all social institutions; i

  • COVID-19

    21/04/2020 Duración: 12min

    COVID-19 has caused people all over the world to rethink what we have called necessity. At the same time, many will return to the old norm and continue existing. Settle yourselves and enjoy the presence of your families. Support this podcast at —

  • OCD

    18/03/2020 Duración: 08min

    We often self diagnose OCD as if it is a light thing. The truth of the matter is that it can be quite debilitating. Here I read a definition and talk about how insistence on kindness is a great obsession. Just help out! Support this podcast at —

  • RIP Kobe

    16/02/2020 Duración: 06min

    Losing Kobe was like losing a relative. I can honestly say that losing Michael Jackson, Prince, Whitney Houston, and Kobe, hit me almost the same. Others however, used the time to rehash his past, like the others that I mentioned. We root these people on as they entertain us, but call for their heads when their humanity shows up. Support this podcast at —

  • Perfectly Flawed

    27/12/2019 Duración: 16min

    A lot of the opposition to Christianity is against those practicing it. I mean the idea of a person taking on God’s wrath for all of humanity and purchasing their freedom is a wonderful story of redemption. On top of that, in dying, he (Christ) left a flawless guide (Holy Spirit) to provide humanity assistance with managing life on Earth. We are flawed! Some of our interpretations are flawed, and some of our perspectives just jacked! The weight lifted off of me the day that I accepted my flaws, and Christ as my help to overcome them. I am but a vessel! Support this podcast at —

  • John Maxwell Certified Speaker

    11/10/2019 Duración: 04min

    On October 31st, 2017, I started the journey towards the successful completion of the John Maxwell Speaker Training Track. I am proud to say that I have successfully completed the training, and now a Certified Member of Team Maxwell. I didn’t bleed or cry along the way, but definitely sweated some! Thanks for the prayers and the seeds sown in order to make this dream a reality! Support this podcast at —

  • Social Media the Soulless Machine

    11/10/2019 Duración: 08min

    I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed a time where people were more starved for attention than now. We eagerly post and wait for alerts from those that we are sure will respond. To post a rant or vent online is a disrespect to the people that you confide in the most. Instead we take a shot at inviting everyone to our pity parties, with hopes of having our problems solved. Nothing could be more inhuman. The machine is not going to help you because it is soulless. Support this podcast at —

  • Finding Kanye 2

    07/10/2019 Duración: 13min

    Sure I have an opinion about the apathy by which celebrities are judged. We fall down but we get up oftentimes without people knowing. It’s the reason some people fall so frequently. Until you know the pressure of being none worldwide, every move being recorded, faith on the big screen regularly, fall back with the judgement. Support this podcast at —

  • Finding Kanye

    28/09/2019 Duración: 06min

    With the amount of internal battles that people face on a daily basis, it is a wonder that they find time to critically analyze other people. Some of us will never know the struggle of maintaining a godly standard on and off camera. Those that do are not privy to simply asking for forgiveness and moving on; the media will not allow them to move on. We must not side with the voices that condemn. Support this podcast at —

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