The Susan Winter Show



Susan Winter: Love Advice for Modern Dating


  • Modern Dating Challenges And How To Deal With Them – Dating Advice

    09/01/2024 Duración: 09min Modern Dating Challenges and How To Deal with them- Dating advice. Feel like dating has become a chore? Dating games, hot and cold behavior, mixed messages, and red flags can leave you exhausted and wondering if you'll ever find a decent partner. Here’s how you to regain your confidence and set yourself up to find a great partner. For more information please visit my website at

  • 12 Signs Your Relationship Is Over and What To Do About It 

    04/01/2024 Duración: 13min 12 Signs Your Relationship Is Over and What To Do About It. Do you know the 12 signs? Here’s the list that shows you where you stand. But take heart. It’s possible to have several of these signs and not be at risk of losing your love. However, they are key to realizing ‘something’s off. If you sense your partner’s growing cold, backpedaling, and excluding you from their day-to-day sharing, begin the difficult but needed task of honest conversations For more information please visit my website at

  • Have You Ever Suffered From Limerence? - Understanding the Connection and How to

    23/12/2023 Duración: 12min

    What is limerence and why is it such a powerful feeling? Limerence in an immediate attraction and mental obsession with a specific person. This sensation of deep connection and chemistry feels overwhelming, and you find yourself saying, “I’ve never felt this way before.” For more information please visit my website at

  • How To Get Your Ex Back When You Think You Messed Up

    15/12/2023 Duración: 14min Wondering how to get your ex back when you think you messed up? Here are the 10 steps you need to take to open the door to love again and win back their heart. #breakups #GetYourExBack For more information please visit my website at

  • Too much hurt to handle dating?

    08/12/2023 Duración: 08min  
Have you suffered too much hurt to handle dating one more time? Here’s how to avoid the pain and heal the disappointment, confusion, and heartache. For more information please visit my website at

  • Letting go of your ex (to find new love)

    04/12/2023 Duración: 08min Moving beyond obsessing over your ex and being able to love someone new requires redesigning ‘the dream.’ Here’s how to find new love: #breakups #lovingagain #thedream For more information please visit my website at

  • How to stop ‘hoping’ (when there’s no hope)

    27/11/2023 Duración: 09min Are you stuck wanting someone who’s lost interest? Is there hope for you? Was it real or a game? You’ll get your answers by asking these questions: #IsThereHope For more information please visit my website at

  • They’ll regret losing you when…

    20/11/2023 Duración: 06min How can you make them regret losing you? Stepping off the emotional roller coaster makes the magic happens. Here’s how: #BreakUps #Obsession #RegretLosingYou #Narcisscist #PullingAway #DatingGames For more information please visit my website at

  • 2 Mistakes Men Make with an Older Woman

    13/11/2023 Duración: 10min There are 2 classic mistakes younger men make with older women. Here’s what they are and how to avoid them: #OlderWomen #YoungerMen #Friendzoned #DatingGames #Approach #Attraction For more information please visit my website at

  • Do they love YOU (or your generosity)

    10/11/2023 Duración: 08min Do they love you? Or the gifts (and resources) you provide? Here’s how to know if their affection is genuine, you won’t feel used and unappreciated: #LoveOrMoney #TransactionalPartner #TooMuchTooSoon #Pace #DatingAdvice #LoveLanguage #GiftGiving For more information please visit my website at

  • Dumped and Blocked (with no convo)

    06/11/2023 Duración: 08min Were you suddenly dumped and blocked without any conversation or explanation? Getting closure without a convo seems impossible until you do this: #Dumped #Blocked #NoConvo #NoClosure #BreakUps #ShutDown #NoReason For more information please visit my website at

  • Is it love bombing or real?

    03/11/2023 Duración: 06min Can you tell the difference between love bombing and genuine interest? It can be tricky because game replicates “real.” Learn the signs that distinguish the difference: #LoveBombing #1Dates #NewRelationships #Attraction #DatingGames #DatingAdvice For more information please visit my website at

  • Where’s my soulmate?!?

    27/10/2023 Duración: 10min Impatient, frustrated, and wondering why your soulmate hasn’t materialized? The pressure to find “The One” can feel excruciating… until you do this: #Soulmate #TheOne #PerfectMatch #Manifestation #FindingLove #PartnerSelection #DatingAdvice For more information please visit my website at

  • How to stop obsessing over someone (and flip the script)

    20/10/2023 Duración: 05min Can’t seem to stop obsessing over someone who doesn’t want you (enough)? Here’s how to  move from weak and needy to confident and alluring: #obsession #FlipTheScript #DatingAdvice #RelationshipExpert #confident #attraction #desire For more information please visit my website at

  • The one you thought would NEVER hurt you

    16/10/2023 Duración: 05min The one you never thought would hurt you flipped the script. Wish you’d have known what to look for in advance? Here are the signs that show you choosing ‘safe,’ isn’t safe: #betrayal #settling #safechoice #datinggames For more information please visit my website at

  • Did I lose my chance at love?

    13/10/2023 Duración: 04min Do you feel like you lost your chance at love? Were you hesitant to commit and now they’ve moved on? Here is what you can do right now: #ex #lostlove#notready #timing #getexback #breakups For more information please visit my website at

  • Do You Have Partner Selection FOMO?

    10/10/2023 Duración: 06min   Do you have partner selection FOMO? Feeling like you need to choose someone (anyone) before you’re left with no one? Here’s how to cure the feeling that you’re losing your chance at love: #FOMO #partnerselection #datingadvice #single For more information please visit my website at

  • 4 Reasons why dating has become so hard (and how you can fix it)

    02/10/2023 Duración: 10min It’s not just you. Everyone’s confused, frustrated, and about to lose hope. Here are the 4 reasons why dating has become so hard (and what you can do about it). #datingadvice #BDB #baddatingbehavior #datinggames For more information please visit my website at

  • Dating Games: Decoding ‘Pursuit and Retraction’

    21/09/2023 Duración: 10min Do you know the early signs of the ‘pursuit and retraction’ game? Before you fall for the bait, get skilled at picking up the red flags and learn the art of ‘redirection.’ #datinggames #hotandcold #obsession #pursuit #retraction #redflags For more information please visit my website at

  • How to Find Love as a Single

    16/09/2023 Duración: 07min Wondering how to find love as a single? The shift within is far easier to achieve than you think. Here’s how to attract the joy and happiness you seek: #securelysingle #attraction #manifestation #selflove #findinglove #datingadvice #single For more information please visit my website at

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