Because This Is Your Life Podcast With Chaney Weiner

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 29:00:00
  • Mas informaciones



Get ready to live a meaningful and fulfilling life while feeling respected, appreciated, and recognized for who you are and all you do. This podcast is your guide to breaking through any fears, doubts, and worries you havewhich paves the way for you to get a fresh start and new lease on life. Listen each week to Chaney WeinerHuman Potential Specialist, and author of the book Because This Is Your Lifeas he discusses this and how it relates to the topics that matter most to you in any of the 7 areas of life (relationships, career, spiritual, mindset, health & well being, social network, and financial).


  • What Are You Worthy And Deserving Of The Most?

    09/04/2018 Duración: 32min

    Whenever you’ve had an opportunity to be given something you say you wanted, how many times did you question whether it was a good idea to take it? This occurs when it comes to money, getting into a relationship, or anything for that matter? Did you say “yes” to having it or “no” because of some reason that you came up with? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses effective ways of how to raise your level of worthiness and deserving…which in turn paves the way for you to have the different things in life you say you want.

  • How Do You Know Who You Can Trust?

    10/03/2018 Duración: 43min

    How many times have you put your trust in someone and what happened as a result? Did they live up to their word and were trustworthy? Or did they let you down? In either case what was the difference in how it turned out? What happened that led to someone being trustworthy while someone else wasn’t? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses the different ways of what to look for in knowing who you can trust…and how you can tell sooner rather than later.

  • Is Your Truth An Offense?

    28/02/2018 Duración: 26min

    What happened when you were faced with a situation of whether to be truthful or not? Did you tell the truth? Did you worry about what someone would say if you did? And did this leave you with the dilemma of whether to tell the truth or just remain silent? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses how to be truthful while at the same time not worrying about what people will say…and how to deal with someone that may get offended by the truth.

  • Where Is The Truth In Love?

    27/02/2018 Duración: 44min

    How many times have you wondered why some relationships last and others don’t? When it came to your own relationships how often did you think about why the person you were with…why they just couldn’t be the way you want? Well, there’s a very good reason for this…and it has to do with finding the truth in love. In this podcast Chaney discusses what finding the truth in love is…where to find it…and how it is responsible for your relationships turning out the way you want.

  • What Does It Mean To Appreciate Your Life?

    20/02/2018 Duración: 29min

    What makes your life worth living is being able to appreciate the people and events that have taken place in your life. The question is, have you truly taken the time to appreciate your life? And what exactly does this mean? Along with that, what happens when you feel you have appreciated your life but for some reason things are still not going your way? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses what is involved (and what you can do today) to finally know how to appreciate your life.

  • What Can You Do Right Now To Completely Change Your Life Around?

    19/02/2018 Duración: 29min

    Whenever you found yourself in a situation that you wanted to change your life around what did you do? Did you know where to start? Did you question if you were even doing the right thing to begin with? And if you did take action did it actually work for you? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses the most effective strategies that you can start using today to completely change your life around…and in such a way that gets you to realize how much of an impact you have on the world.

  • What Can You Do When It Seems Like There’s No Way Out?

    18/02/2018 Duración: 32min

    As you go through your life they’ll be those situations you find yourself in that leaves you feeling like there’s no way out. When this happens what can you do? And can you really get out of them? Not only that, but what does it take and how long does it take? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses what you can start doing today to get out of those situations you don’t want to be in…and in the process turn your life around.

  • How To Feel Recognized For Who You Are And All You Do?

    16/02/2018 Duración: 39min

    What did you do when you felt you weren’t being recognized in some way for something you did? Did it leave you feeling like you didn’t matter…or that what you’re doing is not good enough in some way? And what about other people you see that are being recognized and noticed? Did you ever wonder what it was like for them before anyone knew who they were? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses how you can start feeling recognized…and that you do contribute something of value to the world…even before others know about and are recognizing you for it.

  • Are Some People Lucky And Others Are Not?

    14/02/2018 Duración: 31min

    How many times have you attributed something in your life to “luck” in some way? And when you did, how many times did you wonder why some people seem to have “good” luck and others “bad” luck? Did this leave you asking why you sometimes have what seems like “good” and “bad” luck? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses the alternative to “luck” when looking at the different situations in your life that have taken place and will take place in the future.

  • Is It All Over For You Or Just The Beginning?

    13/02/2018 Duración: 24min

    What happens when you’re faced with a situation of whether to give up or start new? Do you just want to give up…or are you looking to have that new beginning in your life? And do you think about what it would take to turn your life around and have that new beginning? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses what to do in order to turn your life around while being able to stay focused so you can have a new beginning in your life.

  • Is This Who You Really Are?

    12/02/2018 Duración: 30min

    How many times have you been faced with a situation of whether to follow the crowd because you wanted to “fit in?” Did you “cave in” and follow what everyone else was doing…or did you stand your ground and not be the follower? And most importantly…did you stay true to who you are in doing so? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses what to do in being (and staying) true to who you are…while also not worrying about what other people think and say about you.

  • The 3 Most Dangerous Words That Hold People Back…

    11/02/2018 Duración: 31min

    During your life there are certain things you say and don’t say which make all the difference in how your life turns out. And quite often there are certain words you use that on the surface seem beneficial…but are really holding you back in your life. Such is the case of the 3 most dangerous words that hold people back. In this podcast episode Chaney discuss how to be aware of these 3 most dangerous words…what to do when you catch yourself using them…and how to turn your life around from them.

  • Here’s The Truth About Overcoming Procrastination…

    07/02/2018 Duración: 26min

    How many times have you found yourself hesitating and procrastinating when it came to following through on something? When this happened what did you do? Did you keep trying and finally followed through on it? Or did you give up and wonder what it would take to follow through on doing it? In the podcast episode Chaney discusses the truth about procrastination…and what it takes to guarantee that you’ll overcome procrastination and follow through on what you set out to accomplish.

  • Is Your Lack Of Focus Costing You A Fortune?

    06/02/2018 Duración: 22min

    How many times have you found yourself not being able to stay focused for some reason? And when this happened did you ever wonder why you weren’t able to stay focused sometimes, and then other times you had no problem staying focused at all. Now of course there’s a reason for this and in many cases it’s the difference in being able to turn your life around. In this podcast episode Chaney discusses what you can do today to start being able to stay focused…and how this gets you to get clear on what your purpose is…and how to go about it even if you don’t know the “how” right now.

  • How Much Does Forgiveness Stop You From Letting Go?

    05/02/2018 Duración: 37min

    Whenever you found yourself in a situation of whether or not to forgive someone…what did you do? Did you forgive them and feel that would allow you to let go? Or did you not forgive them and think (because someone told you) that by not forgiving someone you wouldn’t be able to let go. And what’s interesting in this…it’s the opposite of what most people say to do is the very thing NOT to do. In this podcast episode Chaney discusses how much forgiveness actually stops you from letting go…and what to do instead that effectively gets you to let go.

  • Do You Wish That Your Life Turned Out Differently?

    04/02/2018 Duración: 35min

    How many times have you ever questioned yourself as to how your life has turned out up to this point? Did this leave you with a bunch of “What ifs” along with thoughts of “Well my life would have been better if I changed just one thing from the past.” Let’s face it, we’ve all done this at some point. The question is…is it a good idea to think this way? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses the most effective way to look at your life up to this point…and in such a way that guides you to turning your life around moving forward.

  • The 2 Most Important Relationships You’ll Ever Have…

    03/02/2018 Duración: 33min

    Throughout your life there are many relationships you have…with your friends, family, significant other, and acquaintance type relationships. These are all important in some way and serve a purpose in your life Regardless of how many of these different relationships you have, there will always be the two that are the most important. In this podcast episode Chaney discusses who you have these two relationships with…and how you can tell which ones will turn into the closest and intimate relationships in your life.

  • What To Do If You Feel Like Life Is Passing You By…

    02/02/2018 Duración: 36min

    When you think about how your life has been up to this point, what comes to mind? Do you feel like you’ve lived it to its fullest? Or do you feel like life has passed you by? And if you feel like life has passed you by, is it because of some fear you had or even possibly you weren’t aware of? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses what to do if you feel life is (and/or has) passed you by…and how any fear you may have is responsible for this (and how to go about overcoming it).

  • How Much Do You Care What Other People Think About You?

    01/02/2018 Duración: 33min

    How many times did you let what someone said about you bother you? Along with this, how many times did you worry about if someone would laugh at you or think you’re crazy if you were to tell them what you wanted to do with your life? And even if this didn’t happen to you would it bother you anyway if it ever came up? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses how to overcome worrying about what other people think (and say) about you…while being able to use these types of situations to turn your life around.

  • How To Deal With Embarrassing Situations In Your Life

    31/01/2018 Duración: 27min

    What did you do when you were in a situation that you felt embarrassed in some way? Did you shy away from similar situations that came up moving forward? Did you just laugh it off but were still thinking about it in a way that bothered you? And were you still worrying about what other people were saying and thinking about you? In this podcast episode Chaney discusses how to effectively deal with embarrassing situations that come up in your life…and how they give you the courage to take the “healthy” risks that can benefit your life.

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