Princeton Baptist Church



The latest sermons from Princeton Baptist Church. Princeton, British Columbia Canada.


  • A Disciplined Life: Resilient Prayer


    Looking to Jesus’ example, how can we become spiritually resilient people through prayer? Download the PDF to access the life group questions for this sermon. The post A Disciplined Life: Resilient Prayer appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon: Advent Week 1


    On preparing and getting preoccupied with the preparation. We can sometimes avoid the thing God is calling us into because we are busying ourselves with other things. Luke 10: 38-42  At the Home of Martha and Mary 38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named […] The post Sermon: Advent Week 1 appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon: Making Your Decisions with God


    Sermon Questions What decisions can you invite God into this week? Can you think of a decision that has been or is hard for you to invite God into? The post Sermon: Making Your Decisions with God appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon: Finding Faith Through our Doubts


    We spend a lot of effort and doubt asking ‘is God trustworthy?’. There is a better question to ask. Believing in God isn’t a one-time doubt-free experience. It is a daily process of working through our doubts with him.   The post Sermon: Finding Faith Through our Doubts appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon: Remembrance Day


    Sermon Questions 1.What things are worth remembering about Jesus from John 1:1-18? 2. What things has Jesus done to secure our freedoms? 3. How has your life been changed as you remember Jesus gave his life for you? 4. Bonus question. How does it make you feel when you hear the phrase “I am not […] The post Sermon: Remembrance Day appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon: God Will Provide


    What happens when we take a good thing and make it our focus, overwhelm it with our needs and expectations. IDOLATRY: looking to a created thing to give us meaning, hope, happiness. Where should we look for our fulfillment, security, and meaning?   Sermon Questions How did Abraham react when God instructed him to offer […] The post Sermon: God Will Provide appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon: Sodom and Gomorrah


    Pastor Kyle preaches on the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 18:16- Genesis 19. What does JUSTICE look like to us? What does it look like to God? What characteristics of God do we see alongside justice?   Sermon Questions: 1. How often do we place ourselves in a position of judgment over others? […] The post Sermon: Sodom and Gomorrah appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon Series: A Significant Life (Part 4)


    The fourth part of the series on Discipleship   Sermon Discussion Questions 1. On a scale of 1-10 How fearful or joyful are you concerning Christ’s return? 1 being most fearful and 10 being most joyful 2. What did Jesus ask us to do while we wait for his return? 3. How prepared would you […] The post Sermon Series: A Significant Life (Part 4) appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon Series – A Significant Life (Part 3)


    Discipleship calls us to be IN community – in our families, work, church, and lives. What distracts us from community? What does it cost us to be in community? What does it cost us NOT to be in community?   Sermon Questions  Q: Have you ever experienced the unity that Jesus talks about? (Can you […] The post Sermon Series – A Significant Life (Part 3) appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon Series – A Significant Life (Part 2)


    There is an outer life we live, the self we let others see. Then there is an inner life we live, that is unseen. What does our inner life say about our spiritual maturity? Last week we discussed what Discipleship is. This week we discuss how relying on the Holy Spirit can change your inner […] The post Sermon Series – A Significant Life (Part 2) appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon Series: A Significant Life (Part 1)


    There is no cookie cutter, not every disciple looks the same BUT Every disciple has the ability, the power, to love others and enter relationships with the world around us in a radically new way.   This is the first sermon in our series on Discipleship It is important because Jesus told everyone to go […] The post Sermon Series: A Significant Life (Part 1) appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon: Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?


    In Genesis 18:1-15 we hear about the three men who visited Abraham. God was among them and he told Abraham that he and Sarah would have a baby within a year. When they heard this news Sarah laughed. This story has been very focused on Abraham, but Sarah has a role that can’t be devalued. […] The post Sermon: Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord? appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon: An Everlasting Covenant


    Pastor Kyle is preaching about the Covenant of Circumcision (Genesis 17) where God offers a covenant to Abram. He changes Abram’s name to Abraham which means ‘father of many nations’. God asked Abraham and his men to be circumcised, as a sign of the covenant they are entering Circumcision is not a requirement for believers […] The post Sermon: An Everlasting Covenant appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon: Biblical Submission


    Rob Nicholls is sharing about submission to God. Submission sucks, it means giving up control of our own lives. But we NEED submission to get to places we couldn’t get to on our own. To accomplish anything we need a catalyst, a call, and conviction. When we have a catalyst, something that prompts change, we […] The post Sermon: Biblical Submission appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon: Genesis 15:7-21


    Pastor Kyle preaching on Genesis 15:7-21. At its core, this is a story about God’s love, about God reaching down and choosing to be in a relationship with humanity. Everybody has this invitation into this same relationship with God, with God’s mercy, love, and self-giving. Everyone has that invitation, today.   The Lord’s Covenant With Abram […] The post Sermon: Genesis 15:7-21 appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon: Getting it Right


    Jude is preaching on Genesis 15 : 1-6 Genesis 15 The Lord’s Covenant With Abram (NIV) 15 After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram.     I am your shield,     your very great reward.” 2 But Abram said, “Sovereign Lord, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit[c] my estate […] The post Sermon: Getting it Right appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon: Eyes on The Prize


    Abram leads his men on a mission to rescue his nephew Lot. So what gives Abram the confidence to make a move? God had just promised him the great land and the offspring like the dust of the earth. Why would he risk losing everything on the audacious rescue of his nephew Lot? It seems […] The post Sermon: Eyes on The Prize appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon: Abundant Faith

    31/07/2018 Duración: 38min

    Picking up in Genesis 13 with Abraham being sent away from Egypt and into the wilderness. God calls us out of this scarcity living (there won’t be enough for me) and into abundant life (God provides you with everything you need) “Faith makes choices looking at God’s abundance rather than our own scarcity.” “God created […] The post Sermon: Abundant Faith appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon: Fear and Faith: Leaning Into the Promise

    25/07/2018 Duración: 37min

    “When we fail to lay hold of God’s promises for us, we limit ourselves to what we can handle, rather than what He can handle” Pastor Kyle sharing a message on Genesis 12:10-20, where Abraham enters Egypt and is so scared they will kill him and take his wife Sarah when they see how beautiful […] The post Sermon: Fear and Faith: Leaning Into the Promise appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

  • Sermon: Blessed

    17/07/2018 Duración: 38min

    What does it mean to be #blessed? Abraham receives God’s blessings not because of who he is and what he is done, but because of who God is. God calls Abraham out of his life, to follow God and receive this blessing. He calls Abraham into the unknown, away from his home, he asks him […] The post Sermon: Blessed appeared first on Princeton Baptist Church.

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