Sunday Evening Podcast | The Moody Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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Connecting You with God and Others


  • Our Clear Command


    How does Scripture guide our response to government, even if we don't like the leaders or policies that are in place? How we live post-election does not depend on who wins, but on what God says. The challenge for us is to let our faith inform our politics, because it feels more natural to let our politics inform everything else about our lives.   No matter who wins the election this week, our response as Christians should be the same – submit, honor, and pray.   Are there ever exceptions to submitting to governing authorities? Yes: when you are commanded to do something that God forbids, or when you are forbidden to do something that God commands. The temptation, however, is to use these exceptions when it's convenient for us, and to lose sight of the main point – that we are to submit to and honor those in positions of authority.   Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17

  • Avoiding Political Idolatry


    Politics has become one of the most prominent idols of our time, particularly so during this election season. Yet politics will always overpromise and underdeliver. How can we avoid letting the idol of politics overwhelm our thinking? We need to find a way to put Jesus above politics.   In this sermon, we explore four things Jesus gives that politics cannot: Ultimate meaning Ultimate purpose Ultimate security Ultimate rest   This election season, you can give your vote to a candidate, but don't forget to give your heart to God. That's what really matters.   John 18:36, Matthew 11:28-30

  • Three Reasons Unity Is Important


    Politics is the most popular yet divisive issue in our nation today. How do we keep our witness intact as we navigate this season?   In this sermon, we explore three reasons the unity of Christians is so important despite our different political lenses: Unity demonstrates the power of the gospel Unity shows the love of Christ Unity bears witness to the world   John 17:20-23, Galatians 3:27-28

  • Certainty in an Uncertain World


    As things have changed in our country and we adapt to a new normal, many of us have uncertainties. Our new reality is unexpected and unsettling. Where can we look to feel more grounded?   In this sermon, we look at Genesis 9 and discover four certainties on which we can rely in an uncertain world. God is sovereign Man is sinful Obedience is significant Justice is sure   Genesis 9:18-34

  • When God Makes a Promise


    We all expect that promises are meant to be kept. Does God keep His promises to us? In this passage from the life of Noah, we see what happens when God makes a promise to humanity.   The story teaches us three characteristics of God's covenants: they are rooted in God's grace, they are meant for our flourishing, and they bring about reassurance.   Genesis 8:20-9:17

  • Hurry Up and Wait


    Life can seem like we always need to hurry up. We live in the fast lane and don't like to wait. But waiting is a regular part of life.   How do we wait well?   This story from Noah's life teaches us that in our waiting, God is working. We learn three keys to waiting on God: rest in God's remembrance; persevere in patience; and walk according to His Word.   Genesis 8

  • The Great Flood


    Even when we don't deserve it, God shows us mercy. The story of the flood demonstrates three mercies that God provides for Noah, and ultimately all of mankind. In this story of great destruction, we catch glimpses of God's merciful, saving nature: God provides salvation, God protects His people, and God is faithful to His word.   We serve a God who will not be mocked; when He says He will judge sin, He will do it. The flood narrative points to another coming judgement. Jesus compared Noah's flood to a coming judgment upon mankind. The good news? God saves sinners; it's in His nature to provide a way out for us through Jesus.   Genesis 7

  • A Righteous Man in a Wicked World


    For those of us familiar with Scripture, we may be quick to gloss over the life of Noah and think we already know the story. But there's so much more to it than you may think. In this sermon, we explore three characteristics of a gracious God that motivates us to remain righteous in a wicked world: God is a God who sees us in the midst of all that is going on. The implication is that our faithfulness to God does not go unnoticed. God is a God who saves. The implication is that God is just and takes sin seriously. If we are uncomfortable with that idea, we have not understood the extent of the crime of wickedness before Him. God is a God who secures His people in relationship with Him. The implication is that we can trust Him by living a life of obedience.   Genesis 6:9-22

  • A Call For True Unity


    Disagreement is something that we can expect within the church, but when we disagree it can and should be done in a godly way. The goal is to maintain our unity as a church throughout disagreement, prioritizing our relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ above the temptation to be right at all costs.   In this sermon, Pastor Bertsche challenges us to work a lot harder to understand and respect those who disagree with us.   Philippians 2:1-4

  • The Bible and Racism


    As we wrap up our series , featuring conversations on race between panelists representing members of our staff and congregation, we conclude with two important question: what does the Bible say about race, and how should we respond to this issue?   Pastor Best helps guide our thinking on this important issue by encouraging us to listen, learn, love, and live as followers of Jesus Christ.

  • Justice and the Prophets


    In this conversation on race, Pastor Philip Miller, Elder Tony Durns, and Charlie Miles discuss what the Bible says about justice, equality, and advocacy.

  • A Heavenly Vision


    In this conversation about race, Elbert Whitfield, Cassie Eng, Pastor Josue Reyes, and Pastor Bob Gunter discuss the heavenly vision of diversity and its connection to church life today.

  • The Gospel and Racism


    Our series “Conversations on Race” hosts important conversations with our staff and church members on how Christians should think about racism in our world. In our second conversation, Pastor Larry McCarthy and Ron Ingram share their stories and describe how the gospel has transformed their perspectives on racism.

  • The Image of God and Race


    Racism is a critical topic of discussion across American society today, even in the church. What does the Bible say about racism? How does being made in the image of God impact how we view others? What can we learn from the lives and experiences of others in our church?   Our new series “Conversations on Race” hosts important conversations with our staff and church members on how Christians should think about racism in our world. In our first conversation, Moody Church couple Les and Jocelyn Carter, and Assistant Worship Director "TK" Khumalo, share their perspectives on this issue.

  • Gospel Conversations


    Three keys to gospel conversations: 1. Know the necessity of using words 2. Follow the example of Jesus 3. Remember the power of God's Words   Romans 10:14

  • Power for Good


    Our words can be used for destruction or for good. We all have that power in the words that we choose to use. In what ways can we use our words towards good?   In this sermon, Pastor Michael Best explores three ways our words can build others up: 1) Encouragement: this is the idea of inspiring someone else with courage and confidence. 2) Confession: this is the idea of admitting to a sin that what we see in ourselves. 3) Confront: this is the idea of having the hard conversations with others to confront sin in their lives.   As we choose our words this week, let’s use them for the good of others.   1 Thessalonians 5:11

  • Conflicting Words


    Every relationship will have conflict, so how should we handle our words when conflict when it comes into our lives? Three questions to ask yourself when in conflict: 1. Why am I in this conflict? 2. How should I act in conflict? 3. What is the goal of this conflict?   Proverbs 10:19

  • The Power of Words


    A wise person stewards well the resources they are given. We think a lot about stewarding money or time, but we often think very little about stewarding one of our most valuable resource: our words. Many studies suggest that the average person speaks 16,000 words a day. How are you stewarding your 16,000 daily words? God’s Word has much to say about our words. In this sermon, Pastor Michael shares three reasons why we need to be good stewards of our words: our words are powerful, our words are revealing, and our words shape our faith.   Psalm 141:3

  • How Can I Know God Loves Me?


    As we wrap up this series, Pastor Eric asks an important question: how can we know that God loves us now and will continue to forever? Through the passage, we learn that there's nothing we can do to cause God's love, because He first loved us; and there's nothing that we can do that will stop God's love for us, because we have a savior in Jesus Christ. In this we can rest and know the security of God's love for us.   Romas 8:29-39

  • Is This World Broken?


    Is this world broken? If it is, can it be fixed? In this message, Pastor Eric continues our study through Romans 8. We learn that brokenness does not necessarily lead to brokenness. There is surprising hope for our world.   Romans 8:18-28

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