Practical Magic Podcast With Kate Taylor



The Practical Magic podcast is a weekly dive into helping us live an embodied life full of creative expression with Kate Taylor, creativity and empowerment coach. Practical Magic is Kate's blended melting pot of goodness to align mind, body and soul. Each week on the podcast will be a voyage of discovery through the mind-body connection to uncover the buried treasure we have within each of us. Kate will be joined on the Practical Magic sofa every fortnight by special guests from the worlds of creativity, wellness, modern spirituality, and those who live for unlocking the power of the bodys wisdom. Find out more about Kate at, and get in touch


  • Intuitive Living / Connected Body with Pandora from Rooted London

    22/08/2018 Duración: 35min

    On this week's show, I'm in conversation with Holistic Nutritionist and Life Coach Pandora Paloma from Rooted London on the importance of connecting into the body for emotional and physical health, as well as intuitive life guidance. In our conversation we talk about: How the way we consume is linked to our connection to self, and emotional wellbeing The connection between the way we live and the way we eat Listening to your body and feeding your soul Difference between intuition and instinct Unpicking diet mentalities and old stories around food The importance of connecting in with the body to access wisdom around nutrition and intuition How listening to the body can mean truly listening into our lives and what we really need The difference between intuition and mind-chatter, as well as the difference between instinct and intuition

  • Overcoming the Fear of Failure

    16/08/2018 Duración: 18min

    How often do you find yourself frozen in fear? The abject fear of getting things so spectacularly wrong, that you don't even start - procrastination hits and your motivation nose-dives. This week, I'm flying solo to talk about what's really going on behind the fear of failure AKA FOFU (fear of fucking up); how it fundamentally ties into our root identity through a real fear of shame; how you can identify if you're being held back by fear of failure; and useful ways to help overcome it.

  • Making Friends with Failure with Siobhan Curham

    08/08/2018 Duración: 54min

    Failure is something which has been part of writer Siobhan Curham's narrative over the years -- from a writing apology letters for finding cockroaches in food through to being dropped by her first publisher, and spectacularly burning a baked chocolate cake the very same day. On the show Siobhan shares her story with failure, and how she's taken it as a creative approach to doing some of her best work. Siobhan also shares her brilliant process for overcoming failure.   You can find out more about Siobhan and her work here: Siobhan's website Siobhan on Instagram Siobhan on Twitter Siobhan's latest book: 'Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow'. Oh, and Siobhan's track to help her make friends with failure... TubThumping by Chumbawumba ...Sorry about that!

  • The Power of Doing Nothing

    01/08/2018 Duración: 09min

    How often do you feeling like being busy is just something that is part of your life? Do you feel guilty when you sit down to relax - making a mental run through of your to-do list, and the things you've not yet done? In this world of being 'on', we're overwhelmed, anxious, disconnected and have little room to breathe, let alone room for creativity. Well, I want to put an end to that, so this week I'm advocated for the power of doing nothing - of white space - of being bored as a way of sparking your imagination and creativity. So sit back, plug in and enjoy 10 minutes of space just for you this week.

  • Crafting a Handmade Life with Starling

    25/07/2018 Duración: 45min

    I have the pleasure of being in conversation with singer and artist Starling, as we dive into the most divine and rich discourse around creativity and crafting a handmade life. On offer in this week's show are: How creativity is non-linear How therapy has allowed Starling to filter the BS, and understand the full range of her emotions, and how this has aided her music and creative expression Harnessing the unknown to power up creativity Why Starling creates music to help people feel less lonely Where to find Starling Website Instagram @starlingsworld Spotify  Starlings EPs: The Heart The Body The Soul    

  • Body Wisdom: The Answers are Within

    18/07/2018 Duración: 12min

    Let's explore the mind-body connection. Let's go on a journey of discovery into our inner space; this incredible vessel we have attached to our heads.  On this week's show I'm flying solo to talk about having connection and communication with the body, and how it will tell you more about the direction in your life than a library full of self-help books.

  • Having a Back Up Plan with Alice Judge Talbot

    11/07/2018 Duración: 47min

    On this week's show I'm talking with author and blogger Alice Judge-Talbot, who's new book 'The Back-Up Plan' helps to look at what to do when your idea of the Happily Ever After doesn't go the way you're expecting it to AKA LIFE! On the show we discuss: The enormous power of writing and music to process life's challenges The importance of setting boundaries in all areas of your life, and not to be the people pleaser when people rough-road over them How we consciously and unconsciously deal with issues such as sexism, grief, misogony and why we need to bust wide-open the myths around living a 'have it all life' The link between feminism and not feeling enough And why relationships with ourselves, our friends and our families are more important than romantic relationships. You can find out more about Alice: On her blog More Than Toast Instagram Twitter YouTube And her new book 'The Back Up Plan'

  • How to Achieve Work Life Balance

    04/07/2018 Duración: 16min

    This week on the show, I'm talking about the elusive work life balance, and why in fact I think it's yet another thing that exists for us to give ourselves hard time. And that in fact, life is best life from a place of wholeness, rather than waiting for those spinning plates to come crashing down.

  • The Power of Unconscious Messaging

    27/06/2018 Duración: 12min

    It's said that we take in up to 34GB of information through all our senses each day. I'm fascinated by this, and the impact it has on our thoughts and motivations, which is why I'm talking about it on the show this week. I share how I became aware of the impact of unconscious messaging on my energy levels and burning out by something as simple as looking at a piece of artwork each day.

  • Community Over Competition with Lola Hoad

    21/06/2018 Duración: 53min

    On this week’s show I speak with creative coach, writer, podcaster, and the founder of One Girl Band, Lola Hoad. We have a great conversation about community over competition - how our businesses and creativity do better when other people are involved. You can also look forward to great tips for practicing self-care, taking care of your mental health, and setting better boundaries. On the show we explore: Lola’a entrepreneurial journey and how a passion project turned into her coworking space One Girl Band Having a vision and allowing it to unfold rather than making a five-year plan Taking care of your mental health Alignment over hustle Getting real about self-care The healing power of naps Deciding what to share on social media The importance of community and the fact that we work better together rather than apart How to get started in creating a community Getting past other people’s fears about your dreams The fact that there’s no such thing as wrong decisions How to manage feeling

  • Sorry Not Sorry

    13/06/2018 Duración: 09min

    On this week's show I'm going solo to talk all about being unapologetic and stepping into your power. This is the “Sorry Not Sorry” episode of the Practical Magic Podcast. I’ll walk you through simple steps for being less apologetic and choosing more direct language.   On the show we explore: Getting really clear on how often we apologise just for being ourselves or existing The impact that being overly apologetic can have on the rest of our lives Simple tips for being less apologetic Choosing more direct language - while still being polite Making our sorries count A mindfulness technique to help you stop apologising when you don’t need to

  • Revealing Purpose with Sarah Powell

    06/06/2018 Duración: 47min

    In this week's show I talk to Sarah Powell about making space for the next big thing to enter our lives, manifesting the future and stepping into our future selves, and cutting through anxiety and self-criticism.   On the show we explore: Sarah’s journey working in radio and why she’s recently left the air The book that has recently had a big impact on the direction of her life The impact of on meditation and affirmations The magic of showers and making space for the next big thing to enter our lives - rather than trying to figure it all out Applying our creativity to every area of our lives Manifesting the future and stepping into our future selves Working through our money stories and recognising the abundance in our lives The importance of self-love - and why it’s not selfish How we project our inner experiences out onto the world What pain is here to teach us A simple question to cut through anxiety and self-criticism   Where to find Sarah Sarah’s websiteInstagramTwitterThe Jules & Sarah PodcastWobb

  • Busting the Resistance Myth

    30/05/2018 Duración: 11min

    “You can build walls all the way to the sky and I will find a way to fly above them.” ― Lauren Oliver, Delirium   On this week’s show I’m talking about resistance, i.e what happens when we get stopped in our tracks by that impending sense of doom, or creeping niggles to not get ourselves out of a comfort. I talk about ways in which we can lean into resistance, and how it can actually help us grow. And why getting underneath the resistance to find out what it’s got to say and what we’ve got to learn from it, and where these might be old stories and old patterns of behaviour to break down the through the wall to get to the other side.  

  • Kicking Comparison with Lucy Sheridan

    23/05/2018 Duración: 45min

    “What worries me most is ‘success’ has been reduced to an arbitrary tick list of Facebook updates and that’s not going to work for me.”   - Lucy Sheridan On this week’s show I’m joined by my darling friend Lucy Sheridan, who’s the world’s first and only comparison coach. We talk all things comparison, mostly when it doesn't work, and also when it does.  On the show we explore: Understanding how comparison affects and shows up in our lives Online vs. online comparison behaviours Why comparison is an inside and outside job How not to get caught up in someone else’s dream Using comparison on a timeline of what’s gone before, where we want to be in the future, and where we are in the present moment Supporting improvement and progress rather than ‘success’ Why relationships are our biggest assignment in life When our thoughts are hysterical, it can be historical Why comparison is directly linked to our self-care What happens when we're a comparison trigger for someone else.   Where to find Lucy: Lucy’s website

  • What to do when your inner critic is turning you into a bitch

    15/05/2018 Duración: 14min

    "Florals? For Spring? Groundbreaking" - Miranda Priestly, Devil Wears Prada We've all had those times when we secretly wish our bestie's life wasn’t so damn perfect. And, yeah those times when there's been a hidden desire to wish ill fate on everyone who’s doing so much better at this thing called life than you might be. These thoughts are malicious to say the least and can leave us feel like the world’s biggest loser. Yes, your inner critic is turning you into a bitch, so let's talk about it.

  • Tuning into Body Wisdom through Qoya with Rochelle Schieck

    10/05/2018 Duración: 50min

    "Imagine living a life within which you can trust yourself. Consider this your permission slip." Rochelle Schieck, Founder of Qoya On this week’s Practical Magic podcast, I’m talking with the founder of Qoya, Rochelle Schieck on how we can tune into the wisdom of the body. If you’re not familiar with Qoya it’s based on the idea that through movement we remember that we are all wise, wild and free. Rochelle shares more about how Qoya came to be, and how it can help us navigate the reality of our existence.   On the show we explore: The body as a truth guide, and observing different states in the body How being led by our intuition allows us to free ourselves, and how we can never be wrong when we do so The difference between ego and soul voice How the pillars of Qoya, and embodiment are a metaphor for living in conversation with your life How slowing down helps us to tune in and to be in the experience of living Connecting into the hips as a true act of the power of the feminine Learning more about the 'shado

  • Getting out of our heads... to live an embodied life

    03/05/2018 Duración: 18min

    “Allow your body to be a speaker through which all of your experiences are lived through your senses.” - Kate Taylor   This week I share the story of how Practical Magic came to be, and why following the breadcrumbs of our narratives can prove so useful, and how living an embodied life can help you navigate any path through this crazy thing called life.   The enlightenment of the journey of life, not the destination Being a social commenter to your life through all of your senses Ways in which we numb out to suppress our experiences and emotions Why disconnection from our bodies is disconnection from our lives Why feeling is living Noticing where your energy blocks are in your body and your life How Qoya changed my life through dropping out of my head and into my body How there is no right or wrong, there just is   Find out more about the Practical Magic Activation Deck, a coaching toolkit to help us unlock our own wisdom. Find out more here:

  • Creating Magic with Mat Denney

    25/04/2018 Duración: 40min

    “The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them.” Elizabeth Gilbert   On this week’s show, I am am chatting with the co-creator of my Practical Magic Activation Deck Mat Denney. Mat shares his personal journey through his creative path, and shares the inside workings of his brain and process. We also share our journey in working together on the creative process for bringing the Practical Magic Activation Deck to life, and what it’s like working in collaboration on a project in the way that we did.   On the show we explore: The conflict between order and chaos, and how it can be fundamental to the creative process Why surprises and accidents can lead to something beautiful How collaboration and the sum of our experiences make for a great ‘creative casserole’ How to find the magic in the mundane How exploration of the mind and unconscious creativity led to the magic in Practical Magic.. Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Elizabeth Gilbert -

  • Something exciting is coming...

    23/04/2018 Duración: 02min

    I've got something exciting I'm sharing with you this week... Keep your eyes and ears peeled for an announcement of Practical Magic coming up this Wednesday.

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