This Old App



A podcast about learning, coding, smashing stuff together, breaking things apart, startups, failing, winning, and any other buzzwords we can think of.


  • Review of the State of JS Survey

    04/12/2018 Duración: 01h05min

    How is Angular doing vs React and Vue? What are the most used and growing back-end JavaScript frameworks. Which strongly-typed flavor of JavaScript is winning hearts? This week, Don and Randy discuss the State of JS survey results for 2018 and review from a tech leader perspective. Anything to get a few more React.js (cha-ching) mentions in there.

  • Crossover Episode - The World vs React (Nuff Said)

    20/11/2018 Duración: 30min

    The previous two episodes of our sister podcast, This Old App, discussed the rapid development of React and its possible side effects on the development community. For this CTO Think episode, we run our first "crossover" and discuss how tech leaders and management-level folks might view the JavaScript frontend debate regarding the growth of React use, its backwards compatibility issues, and whether a tech leader can afford to "keep up with the Joneses" in the dev world.

  • React-ions and Corrections to Last Week

    20/11/2018 Duración: 28min

    Last week's episode about the speed of React development either struck a nerve, had enough keywords for a Google SEO explosion, or involved a prominent member of the React dev team (cough, Mr. Abramov) for us to hit our highest ratings, yet. So we continue to try and milk that traffic with a reasonable review of Dan Abramov's Twitter thread about the show and a few noteworthy corrections we thought it was fair to talk about for clarity.

  • Is React the Popular Kid in School?

    13/11/2018 Duración: 01h02min

    During Randy's interviewing stint, he spoke to a good number of firms that had needs for different stacks, but one particular framework stood out: React. Startups, small firms, and enterprise firms, alike, all seemed to have projects involving flavors of React running in development or production. This week Don and Randy discuss why React has caught fire and if it matters or not.

  • Should We Open Source This Code?

    07/11/2018 Duración: 28min

    Don and his company, AspirEDU, decided to open source a small bit of code for the first time for the Django community. We discuss the various considerations--across proprietary, support, and licensing questions--the company made to push forward the release, and why their first contribution is really a big deal.

  • Chipping Away at Project Blockers

    30/10/2018 Duración: 43min

    Don continues to work on his Azure-backed PDF processing application and describes his process to fix a number of blockers. After making progress, Randy asks him about widget pipeline options, like IFTTT and Zapier, and then attempts to invoice Don for the time he was just saved.

  • Adventures in Interviewing

    23/10/2018 Duración: 01h10min

    Randy is moving to Kansas City and exploring new job opportunities both local and remote, which has him in the thick of a variety of interviewing processes. Don and Randy discuss the good and bad about some of the firms' approaches and how Randy is still a bit stubborn about the esoteric coding tests. Don leans towards a less-is-more philosophy regarding interviews, while Randy thinks hiring an exceptional recruiter is step number one.

  • Debugging Azure with Ego Driven Development

    16/10/2018 Duración: 46min

    In another effort to prevent Don and Randy from working on the same stack, Don wanders off into Microsoft land to build a web app on Azure, and promptly runs into trouble. Through a little troubleshooting, they figure out the problem while discussing the complexities around cloud platforms, coding alone, and ego-driven development.

  • Build vs Buy and Disrupting Processes

    09/10/2018 Duración: 40min

    We're back after a couple-week break! Don and Randy discuss the ever-debated strategy of building versus buying your software solutions. But they up the ante by discussing how existing workflows and processes are perhaps a bigger consideration than SaaS fees or software development costs

  • Thinking About Smart Homes

    09/10/2018 Duración: 29min

    After a two-week break, we return to discuss how Randy's buying a house and is thinking about all the new tech and gadgets he can add to it. We discuss home automation, the unnecessary features added to some appliances, and the cool stuff being added to others. Don discusses the new Alexa hardware and how his Ring front-door cam was hacked by a wise thief.

  • To Test or Not to Test?

    18/09/2018 Duración: 50min

    Do you practice test-driven development or feel left out of the "cool-kids" club of folks that swear testing is a necessity to develop quality code? We discuss our history with testing, how we haven't always used it, the struggle to learn it, and how everyone tests, regardless of the method chosen.

  • Handling Critical Feature Updates

    11/09/2018 Duración: 55min

    Don's firm recently underwent its first major platform upgrade and we discuss the various ways they prepared, tested, and worked through the changes, all the way up to the dreaded "point of no return."

  • What to Use for Mobile Development?

    28/08/2018 Duración: 46min

    We discuss the state of development around iPhone and Android development, mainly with using non-native code bases. Randy makes valid complaints about Apple. Don wonders why he isn't allowed to complain about Apple. The subjects of ReactNative, JavaScript, Flutter, Dart, Swift, Java, and Objective-C are discussed, including how Steve Jobs envisioned the Progressive Web App, yet money changed Apple's focus towards native development. Please leave a rating for This Old App on iTunes!

  • Elon Musk and Leading Your Team to Burnout

    21/08/2018 Duración: 01h47s

    Pulled from the media, Don and Randy discuss Elon Musk's interview regarding the personal toll that his attempt to run three companies, perhaps poorly, is taking upon himself. Moreso, they talk about what it means to be in a leadership position and how leading-by-extremes can take a toll on the whole team (or company). Oh, yeah, they also bring in a discussion about college football coaches, Urban Meyer, Nick Saban, and even Mark Richt. And for that, they sincerely apologize to those of you who can not care less about sports.

  • Debating (Angrily) the Responsibility of Cross-platform Support

    14/08/2018 Duración: 01h01min

    Don runs into a problem with a podcast app as he launches a new podcast of his own, Friday Night Stripes, and wants to deploy his show on Overcast. The issue? Don is not an iOS user and cannot find a way to sign into the Overcast website, which . . . disappoints . . . him. As a happy iOS user, Randy doesn't feel Don's pain and congratulates Marco Arment on making millions of dollars while also ticking off Android folks.

  • Grab Bag - GraphQL vs REST, Websockets, Uber Fusion, Redux Sux, and Firestore Search

    07/08/2018 Duración: 56min

    Don and Randy get back from a couple weeks of trips and projects and discuss a grab-bag of subjects of things they've worked on or learned.

  • Betting on Vue JS with Gregg Pollack

    01/08/2018 Duración: 57min

    Covering everything from Rails for Zombies to Code School to Vue Mastery, we talk with one of the original online tutorial creators, Gregg Pollack, and how he decided to invest in the Vue.js community and a new front-end open source project. Gregg also throws in a number of great suggestions for folks that have thought about creating their own tutorials and why CTOs might choose Vue JS among the frameworks out there.

  • Returning to Game Development with Renee Lahoff

    24/07/2018 Duración: 41min

    We speak with Renee Lahoff, content editor for Moms Can: Code, who began a career years ago as a game developer, left the industry to start a family, and found that a return to the business wasn't as difficult as expected. Topics covered: Unity, Game Jam, Teaching Code Online, and Unix/Terminal Tutorials

  • When People Don't Listen to You

    17/07/2018 Duración: 53min

    We discuss the inevitable issue of bosses, owners, managers, and clients not listening to every bit of advice we offer up. From ignoring the frustration, the psychological reaction, and avoiding a passive-aggressive response, to the maturation of our process and quitting of the pointing fingers and getting stuff done. We talk about why every decision doesn't need to come from you. But never forget: We told you so!

  • Benefits of Coding While Streaming with Jesse Weigel

    10/07/2018 Duración: 47min

    Jesse Weigel talks about being a self-taught developer, how he got started live-streaming his code on FreeCodeCamp and YouTube, and how creating a coding community makes him a better developer.

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