The P.t. Entrepreneur Podcast



The PT Entrepreneur Podcast with Danny Matta brings you interviews and insights from top physical therapy business owners. Topics range from starting and running a cash physical therapy practice to creating digital products and even physical products. The PT Entrepreneur Podcast gives you an inside look of the minds and businesses of some of the most successful physical therapists today. No empty fluff.... just actionable, helpful information you can use TODAY.


  • Ep723 | The Importance Of The Second Sale

    27/06/2024 Duración: 13min

    In this episode, Dr. Danny discusses the importance of the "second sale" in physical therapy, which involves providing ongoing value and secondary services to build long-term patient relationships and a sustainable business model. He reflects on his past focus on quick patient discharges, which resulted in a constant need for new leads, and contrasts it with successful clinics that prioritize continuous patient engagement. Dr. Danny shares data from his mastermind program indicating that 50% of patients should transition to a "second package" or service, reducing the need for new leads. This strategy helps patients achieve broader health goals and fosters a stable, scalable practice with loyal clients. Join our 5-Day Challenge at Apply at Leave a 5-star review on iTunes if you enjoy the podcast! Encourage a friend to do the same! Join our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group at

  • Ep722 | Important Trends In The PT World

    25/06/2024 Duración: 31min

    In this episode, Doc Danny discusses trends in lifestyle and regenerative medicine, such as hormone optimization and peptide therapy, and the potential for physical therapists to partner with clinics offering these services. He explores AI's impact on physical therapy, predicting increased efficiency through automation while maintaining essential human interaction. Doc Danny also highlights the trend toward niche specialization, advising therapists to focus on specific health goals to become experts, charge higher prices, and attract committed clients. Emphasizing a positive future, he encourages therapists to adapt to evolving opportunities in healthcare to thrive. Join our 5-Day Challenge at Apply at Leave a 5-star review on iTunes if you enjoy the podcast! Encourage a friend to do the same! Join our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group at

  • Ep721 | Should You Complete A Residency Or Fellowship?

    20/06/2024 Duración: 11min

    In this episode, Dr. Danny discusses the importance of continuing education for physical therapists, especially in running successful cash-based practices. He shares his personal journey with mentorship from renowned clinicians like Kelly Starrett and examines the benefits and drawbacks of residency and fellowship programs. Dr. Danny highlights the need for programs that offer practical clinical training over research-heavy curriculums, recommending the Institute for Athlete Regeneration. He emphasizes that clinical excellence alone does not guarantee business success, advocating for a balanced educational approach that includes business management skills. The episode underscores the significance of investing in ongoing education, finding mentors, and pursuing advanced programs if driven by a strong clinical passion, to reduce burnout, enhance patient care, and ensure the sustained growth of cash-based practices. Join our 5-Day Challenge at Apply at

  • Ep720 | Lessons Learned Abroad

    18/06/2024 Duración: 32min

    In this episode, Dr. Danny shares his experiences from Milan, Italy, where he taught a Ready State course with Kelly Starrett, underscoring how movement connects clinicians and coaches globally through a shared passion for improving physical health. He contrasts Italy's education and regulation in healthcare and fitness with those in the US, noting challenges like limited degree access and lower perceived value of fitness services in Italy. Dr. Danny observes differences between Milan and smaller Italian towns, emphasizing how local culture and tight-knit communities influence business strategies. He discusses the entrepreneurial mindset in the US, characterized by rapid growth potential, versus Italy's strong social safety nets and cultural attitudes towards ambition. Ultimately, he encourages US practitioners to appreciate their favorable environment for building successful health and fitness businesses. Join our 5-Day Challenge at Apply at

  • Ep719 | Proof That You're Incredibly Valuable

    13/06/2024 Duración: 10min

    In this episode of the PT Entrepreneur Podcast, Doc Danny explores the broader value that physical therapists offer beyond injury treatment. He shares insights from personal experiences with sleep deprivation and highlights the significance of prioritizing sleep and overall health for entrepreneurs. Doc Danny recounts a presentation he gave on sleep, which was well-received and impactful, emphasizing the potential role of physical therapists as health and wellness coaches. He advocates for a "performance-based clinician" approach that integrates injury treatment with holistic health guidance, encouraging physical therapists to leverage their expertise to better serve patients and build sustainable businesses.

  • Ep718 | No Money No Mission

    11/06/2024 Duración: 37min

    In this podcast episode, Doc Danny discusses the importance of understanding and optimizing the average visit rate for physical therapy practice owners. He explains how generating sufficient revenue is crucial for business sustainability, growth, and supporting employee compensation goals. Doc Danny tackles psychological barriers clinicians face when raising prices, emphasizing that higher prices are essential for the practice to help more people and provide a quality work environment. By increasing the average visit rate, practice owners can attract and retain top talent, scale their practice, and offer exceptional care. He encourages setting prices that reflect service value and overcoming mental blocks, ultimately creating a thriving and impactful business. Join our 5-Day Challenge at Apply at Leave a 5-star review on iTunes if you enjoy the podcast! Encourage a friend to do the same! Join our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group at fa

  • Ep717 | How To Increase Your Paid Ads Success

    06/06/2024 Duración: 09min

    In this podcast episode, Doc Danny highlights the importance of an active and visually appealing Instagram profile for physical therapy businesses, emphasizing that potential customers often check a business's Instagram during their buying journey, which influences their perception and engagement. Drawing from his work with Patch, a marketing company, Doc Danny shares that businesses with well-curated Instagram profiles have higher returns on ad spend, as customers assess their credibility through social media. He advocates for consistent, relevant content and a holistic online presence including the business's website, Google Business page, reviews, and social media. This comprehensive approach, combined with word-of-mouth referrals, enhances online visibility, credibility, and overall marketing effectiveness. Join our 5-Day Challenge at Apply at Leave a 5-star review on iTunes if you enjoy the podcast! Encourage a friend to do the same!

  • Ep716 | Scale Pitfalls To Be Aware Of

    04/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    In this podcast, Doc Danny explores the challenges faced by practice owners when scaling their businesses. He highlights the importance of understanding growth cycles, preparing for increased workloads, and communicating with partners to navigate challenges effectively. Doc Danny emphasizes the temporary decrease in profitability during scaling due to new overhead costs and advocates for strategic debt financing to support growth. Additionally, he discusses the emotional toll of supporting employees and underscores the pride that comes with providing jobs. By emphasizing clear communication, financial acumen, and responsibility towards employees, practice owners can better prepare for and overcome the obstacles of business growth. Join our 5-Day Challenge at Apply at Leave a 5-star review on iTunes if you enjoy the podcast! Encourage a friend to do the same! Join our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group at

  • Ep715 | Why You Should Charge What You're Worth

    30/05/2024 Duración: 11min

    In a recent podcast episode, Doc Danny explores the importance of service-based businesses, particularly in the physical therapy and healthcare sectors, aligning their prices with local market costs to ensure competitive staff salaries and business sustainability. Drawing from his experiences and insights shared at a virtual event with Mastermind members, Doc Danny emphasizes the necessity for business owners to overcome their pricing discomfort and base decisions on financial realities rather than personal preferences. The episode underscores that setting prices to reflect market conditions is vital for growth and employee compensation, highlighting the need to address psychological barriers to enable businesses to thrive and provide staff with career opportunities and security.   Join our 5-Day Challenge at Apply at Leave a 5-star review on iTunes if you enjoy the podcast! Encourage a friend to do the same! Join our free PT Entre

  • Ep714 | PT Biz Clinic Road Trip Lessons Learned

    28/05/2024 Duración: 28min

    In a this podcast episode, Doc Danny shared insights from his PT Biz Clinic Tour Road Trip across the southeastern United States, discussing the evolving landscape of cash-based physical therapy practices. He emphasized the changing perception of scalability, noting that clinics can thrive even in smaller markets with populations as low as 10,000, driven by skilled clinicians and strong branding. Doc Danny debunked the notion that success is limited to larger urban areas, highlighting the growth potential in small towns with lower overhead costs and less competition. Overall, he is optimistic about the future of cash-based PT practices, emphasizing the opportunities for growth, personalized care, and clinician well-being in the industry. Join our 5-Day Challenge at Apply at Leave a 5-star review on iTunes if you enjoy the podcast! Encourage a friend to do the same! Join our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group at

  • Ep713 | One Discovery Call Tweak That Makes A Massive Difference

    23/05/2024 Duración: 09min

    In this episode of the podcast, Doc Danny explores the vital role of discovery calls in the success of a physical therapy business. Doc Danny stresses the significance of pre-framing the plan of care for new patients during these calls to enhance patient retention and conversion rates. Using a detailed example of applying pre-framing to a patient with lower back issues, Doc Danny illustrates how this approach can boost conversion rates from initial evaluation to plan of care package. Conducting these discovery calls with the business owner or a designated team member helps build rapport, establish authority, and set the stage for successful treatment outcomes, leading to improved patient outcomes and revenue growth. By empowering staff to excel as clinicians and optimizing the initial patient interaction process, businesses can create a more efficient and effective patient care experience. Join our 5-Day Challenge at Apply at Leave a 5-star

  • Ep712 | Mastering The Discovery Call With Jeremy Dupont

    21/05/2024 Duración: 01h07min

    In a this podcast episode, the hosts explore the critical role of effective communication and sales skills in the success of physical therapists, especially in cash-based practices. They address the common challenge of converting leads into clients by emphasizing the importance of structured approaches and scripts, with Jeremy sharing his own struggles on the topic. The discussion highlights the "discovery call" as a key moment to establish rapport, understand client needs, and highlight the benefits of cash-based PT services. Overcoming objections like insurance coverage concerns is discussed, promoting transparent pricing and value proposition to encourage clients to commit. The significance of scripting and staff training for call handling is emphasized for improved conversion rates and practice scalability. The episode introduces The Patch System as a valuable resource for therapists aiming to enhance sales processes and elevate their businesses. Join our 5-Day Challenge at

  • Ep711 | The Right Way To Look At Equipment Financing

    16/05/2024 Duración: 10min

    In this podcast episode, Dr. Danny explores the crucial topic of equipment acquisition for physical therapy clinics. He highlights the importance of financially justifying new equipment, comparing it to real estate investments aimed at generating positive cash flow. Through case studies, such as a clinic's profitable investment in a shockwave therapy unit and another's creation of a secondary revenue stream by renting out a golf simulator, Dr. Danny illustrates how assessing potential revenue and client benefits is key. He also discusses the advantages of depreciating equipment for tax purposes and using debt to enhance cash flow, emphasizing that new purchases should align with the clinic's financial goals and patient care enhancements. Join our 5-Day Challenge at Apply at Leave a 5-star review on iTunes if you enjoy the podcast! Encourage a friend to do the same! Join our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group at

  • Ep710 | Navigating The Unknown Of Entrepreneurship With Brooke Miller

    14/05/2024 Duración: 01h03min

    In this episode, Danny Matta, Yves Gege, and Brooke Miller share their personal experiences and insights on the challenges of entrepreneurship. The discussion delves into the emotional and psychological aspects of starting and scaling a business, highlighting the struggles of trusting teams, self-awareness, and adaptability. Brooke's battle with "toxic confidence," Yves and Danny's differing entrepreneurial approaches, and the importance of building a supportive team are key points. The conversation emphasizes the impact of life events on mindset and decision-making, closing with a message of supporting the next generation in pursuing paths aligned with passion and skills. Join our 5-Day Challenge at Apply at Leave a 5-star review on iTunes if you enjoy the podcast! Encourage a friend to do the same! Join our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group at

  • Ep709 | Fear And How To Deal With It In Business

    09/05/2024 Duración: 15min

    In this episode, Doc Danny explores the common challenge of fear that entrepreneurs face on their journey. Insights from a performance coach shed light on fear at two key stages: starting and expanding a practice. Starting out brings fear of income uncertainty, but Doc Danny reassures entrepreneurs that failure is unlikely. Utilizing resources like the PT Entrepreneur 5-Day Challenge can aid in financial planning. The fear of expansion involves increased risk and responsibility, akin to navigating a snowboard too fast. Despite fears, Doc Danny emphasizes the potential rewards of entrepreneurship - freedom, impact, and personal growth through overcoming fear. Join our 5-Day Challenge at Apply at Leave a 5-star review on iTunes if you enjoy the podcast! Encourage a friend to do the same! Join our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group at  

  • Ep708 | The 4 Ways To Add Massive Value To Your Business

    07/05/2024 Duración: 33min

    In a recent podcast episode, Doc Danny highlights the significance of conducting exit interviews when employees depart from a company. Emphasizing the need for a safe and open environment during these interviews, he encourages business owners to embrace feedback without defensiveness. The goal is to gather valuable insights to enhance company culture, compensation, job roles, and leadership. The podcast underlines the importance of providing constructive feedback to departing employees to aid in their future development. Ultimately, exit interviews are portrayed as a tool for improving management practices and fostering a positive work environment, promoting growth and learning with an open mindset. Join our 5-Day Challenge at Apply at Leave a 5-star review on iTunes if you enjoy the podcast! Encourage a friend to do the same! Join our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group at

  • Ep707 | The Massive Value Of An Exit Interview

    02/05/2024 Duración: 13min

    In this recent podcast episode, Doc Danny highlights the significance of conducting exit interviews when employees depart from a company. Emphasizing the need for a safe and open environment during these interviews, he encourages business owners to embrace feedback without defensiveness. The goal is to gather valuable insights to enhance company culture, compensation, job roles, and leadership. The podcast underlines the importance of providing constructive feedback to departing employees to aid in their future development. Ultimately, exit interviews are portrayed as a tool for improving management practices and fostering a positive work environment, promoting growth and learning with an open mindset. Join our 5-Day Challenge at Apply at Leave a 5-star review on iTunes if you enjoy the podcast! Encourage a friend to do the same! Join our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group at

  • Ep706 | Cash-Based Practice Marketing That's Working Now With Jeremy Dupont

    30/04/2024 Duración: 01h16min

    In this podcast episode, Doc Danny and Jeremy Dupont discuss effective marketing strategies for physical therapy practices, emphasizing the importance of tracking metrics, data-driven decision making, and successful internal marketing campaigns to acquire new patients. They introduce Patch, a company providing services to set up backend systems, run Google Ads, and conduct tailored marketing campaigns. Key points include comparing Google Ads and Facebook Ads, implementing reason-why campaigns, and highlighting continuity and backend systems for long-term practice success. Clinicians interested in working with Patch are encouraged to visit their website, book a call with Jeremy, or follow him on Instagram for more information. Join our 5-Day Challenge at Apply at Leave a 5-star review on iTunes if you enjoy the podcast! Encourage a friend to do the same! Join our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group at

  • Ep705 | Why You Need Predictable Marketing

    25/04/2024 Duración: 14min

    In this episode, Doc Danny discusses the key challenges faced by service-based businesses, specifically physical therapy practices. He examines three main limitations: acquiring new clients, expanding physical space, and hiring the right staff. The primary focus is on client acquisition, highlighting the unpredictability of traditional strategies like word-of-mouth referrals. Doc Danny outlines four key areas: maximizing referrals, local marketing, digital presence, and paid advertising. Implementing strategies in these areas enables businesses to reliably attract new clients, facilitating growth and expansion. Doc Danny encourages listeners to assess their current efforts and consider resources like the Physical Therapy Business Mastermind and the Clinical Rainmaker Program for assistance. Tune in to gain insights into overcoming constraints in service-based businesses! Join our 5-Day Challenge at Apply at Leave a 5-star review on iTunes if

  • Ep704 | Developing A Physical Product With Nate Henry

    23/04/2024 Duración: 48min

    In this podcast episode, Doc Danny and Nate Henry share their experiences navigating the Army-affiliated physical therapy program at Baylor University and their subsequent career paths, which led them to Columbus, Georgia. Nate's post-military journey is highlighted, as he collaborated with Troy, an investment banker, to develop myopox, an electrical stimulation device aimed at enhancing dry needling procedures for veterans through their nonprofit, the Resiliency Project. The challenges of communication with a Chinese manufacturer, FDA approval, and marketing strategies are discussed, underscoring the importance of partnerships and perseverance in the medical device industry. Nate's commitment to further innovation in physical therapy and sports medicine is emphasized, with listeners encouraged to support their venture.

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