Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Madison & Verona



Sermons, interviews and more from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (ELCA) in Madison & Verona Wisconsin. Since 1957, our mission has been to reflect Jesus' love to transform lives and make disciples.


  • "Gods Powerful Love" | Pastor Joe Brosious

    01/08/2018 Duración: 18min

    No Longer Strangers: Gods Powerful Love Part three of a six-part series from Ephesians   Despite the walls around us, we can still find a way to love others as much as God first loved us.   Music Credits:  Glass Beads by Blue Dot Sessions is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial License.

  • "Aliens Brought Near" | Pastor Dara Schuller-Hanson

    27/07/2018 Duración: 13min

    No Longer Strangers: Aliens Brought Near Part two of a six-part series from Ephesians   As human beings there will always be things that set us apart or cause us to be different from one another, there will be things that divide us.  And Jesus came to reconcile us to God and to one another, breaking down walls, mending relationships and showing us that we are united in Him.  In the household of God, Jesus is our cornerstone.  He is our foundation and what holds us up.  And God works through us, building up within us the very temple where God’s work is done.  We are the building materials and we need all of us to have a strong structure.  It is God’s grace that brings us together and gives us the chance to share God’s love with one another and the world.  Thanks be to God for the things that bring us together-for the gift of grace and the opportunity to serve others!   Music Credits:  Glass Beads by Blue Dot Sessions is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial License.

  • "The Family" | Pastor Chris Enstad

    18/07/2018 Duración: 20min

      No Longer Strangers: The Family Part one of a six-part series from Ephesians   “[God] destined us for adoption as his children through Jesus Christ, according to his will, the praise of his glorious grace that he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.” Ephesians 1:5 Howard Hendricks, the great Baptist church leader, and Promise Keepers speaker, once compared the church to a football game. A stadium full of people who need exercise watching 22 grown tired men beating each other up and then retiring to their cars, water coolers, and armchairs to argue about how they would have done things differently. The point is this: the church is not meant to be an institution made up solely of paid staff, and key volunteers, doing hard and good work while the rest of the church watches and criticizes. By virtue of our baptisms into Jesus Christ, we are all called to get in the game! In baptism, each of us is adopted into God’s family. This makes all of us siblings. In Christ we are family. And, just like families, we have

  • "Living Powerfully" | Pastor Dara Schuller-Hanson

    11/07/2018 Duración: 13min

    Living by Faith: Living Powerfully Part six of a six-part series from 2 Corinthians What does it mean to be winning? And how does God’s winning look different than the worlds’.   Music Credits:  Glass Beads by Blue Dot Sessions is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial License.

  • "Living Generously" | Pastor Chris Enstad

    02/07/2018 Duración: 17min

      Living by Faith: Living Generously Part five of a six-part series from 2 Corinthians   Giving is not optional.   How do we teach ourselves that we give, not because we are required to, but because we can? Music Credits:  Glass Beads by Blue Dot Sessions is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial License.  

  • "Living Honestly" | Pastor Sheryl Erickson

    26/06/2018 Duración: 15min

    Living by Faith: Living Honestly Part four of a six-part series from 2 Corinthians   Christians live as if the gospel were true. At least that’s how we’re supposed to live. That was even the goal way back in the Apostle Paul’s time when he wrote his 2nd letter to the Christian church in Corinth. Sadly, we are a sinful people who don’t live out the gospel as well as we ought. This led one observant Christian to say, “When the world rejects the good news of Jesus Christ, it’s often not Christ who is being rejected - but the sorry performance of Christ’s witnesses” – you and me. (Willimon, Pulpit Resource, Summer 2018)   Music Credits:  Glass Beads by Blue Dot Sessions is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial License.

  • "Living Confidently" | Pastor Joe Brosious

    18/06/2018 Duración: 19min

    Living by Faith: Living Renewed Part three of a six-part series from 2 Corinthians What does it mean to live confidently in our faith? This week we look at Pauls struggles, and what we can learn from them.   We go through periods where we are confident in our faith, and others where we are less. But Paul shows us that we can live as he did, seeing an opportunity in everything to boast in the Lord, because he walked by faith, and not by sight.     Music Credits:  Glass Beads by Blue Dot Sessions is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial License.

  • "Living Renewed" | Pastor Dara Schuller-Hanson

    11/06/2018 Duración: 14min

      Living by Faith: Living Renewed Part two of a six part series from 2 Corinthians   How many times have you almost lost heart? Through Paul's letters we hear words of promise and hope that can carry us from being worried to living our lives, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Hand yourself over to God as Paul did in order to carry on. Life is not about suffering, God did not want us to struggle in this life. The promise of renewal is about facing the reality of life, knowing that life can be hard, and recognizing that we need God. This is about being strong and courageous in faith no matter what you are facing   Music Credits:  Glass Beads by Blue Dot Sessions is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.  

  • "Living to Serve" | Pastor Chris Enstad

    05/06/2018 Duración: 28min

    Living by Faith: Living to Serve Part one of a six part series from 2 Corinthians  The true Christian life is one lived in sacrificial love and service to our neighbors.  Jesus’ paid for this new way of living with his own life!  The resurrection of Christ was, and is, the first fruits of the Holy Spirit… the call and ability to live our lives unafraid that there might not be enough love or grace or mercy to go around. And so we serve each other, and our neighbors, sacrificially.  We give everything of who we are away because we have proof, in Jesus’ body and blood, that there will always be enough. What does this mean for us as a people and as a church?   Music Credits:  Glass Beads by Blue Dot Sessions is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.

  • "Called to be Witnesses" | Pastor Joe Brosious

    01/06/2018 Duración: 14min

    Pastor Joe Brosious shares from Luke chapter 24 on how all followers of Jesus are called to be witnesses in daily life. 

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