Stay Grounded With Raj Jana



Raj Jana is the Founder and Chief Brewing Officer at JavaPresse Coffee Company, a lifestyle brand on a mission to help people experience happier lives through the coffee they love. In the Stay Grounded Podcast, he interviews people from all walks of life to discuss happiness, success, fulfillment, and ways to infuse it all into daily life. Find out more at


  • 235. Raj Jana: The Power Of Surrendering Your Need For Control

    14/06/2022 Duración: 49min

    “When you're triggered, how the hell is your triggered mind supposed to understand the wisdom of the universe?”This episode is my May reflection. As usual, some BIG stuff has been moving through me. The constant challenges and up-levels result from choosing to walk my own unique path through life. When you’re looking for the lessons and practicing a lifestyle of awareness, it’s impossible to NOT grow.  But it’s impossible to avoid frustrating setbacks as well! This month, I found myself asking “Why is this happening to me?” Do you ever find yourself asking that question? For me, this conversation shows up anytime my life doesn’t match my expectations. For example, when I believe something should have happened faster or when I wish I were further along my path.In the past, these thoughts would get me in a funk. But because of my steady reflection practice, I know there’s a lesson I need to learn (or an experience I need to have). I’m learning to let go of my own attachments and align with the un

  • 234. Jaime McFadden: Riding The Healing Wave Of Guilt-Free Self-Care

    06/06/2022 Duración: 30min

    “In order to serve our family, to serve our friends, to serve the community, we have to serve ourselves.” Self-care is no longer a luxury, It’s a necessity. What’s more, as a culture, we desperately need to transform our definition of self-care. It’s not all luxury massages and delightful bubble baths! Instead, self-care is about asking for help and getting support from your ‘village’ so you can overcome the common inhibitors of time, guilt, shame, and negativity bias. Jaime McFadden is an international self-care specialist, health coach, and thought-leader on cultivating a lifestyle of guilt-free wellness. She’s also the host of the What’s The Word podcast. I recorded this conversation LIVE on Memorial Day Weekend at Feast It Forward festival in Napa. I was so inspired by Jaime’s story of holistic self-care backed by a village of support. Jaime is a bold, vibrant soul with masses of energy. I was mesmerized by her story and her vision. In this episode, she shared publicly for the first time th

  • 233. Nina Lombardo: Demystifying Feminine Energy & Embodiment

    01/06/2022 Duración: 51min

    “When you place your awareness on your body and on your sensations and allow–through the depth of your presence with that sensation, the sensation actually expands, the sensation deepens and more feminine wisdom is revealed.”As human consciousness evolves, we’re beginning to discover the true power of energetics as a creative and manifesting force. In a world where masculine energy has dominated for millennia, the rise of the divine feminine opens a new gateway for conscious leadership.  As a result, more people are getting inspired to understand the role of feminine energy and embodiment as a pathway to freedom, fulfillment, and happiness. This episode’s guest is the founder of The Way of Devotion, the incredible Nina Lombardo. In her work as a teacher, mentor, and artist, Nina supports women in embodying their most authentic spiritual and sexual expressions. Through workshops, retreats, and private mentoring, she provides women with somatic-based tools to embody their love and deepen the

  • 232. Zarak Fatah: Finding Your Soul’s Geographical Home

    23/05/2022 Duración: 46min

    “When you have that time and space to really reflect and sit in your s**t, to be able to actually be there with it and feel it, sit in it, process it, you quickly develop your boundaries, your parameters, you know what you won't do in the future.” What if there was a place in the world where you could recalibrate to your soul’s calling - AKA your geographical home. Zarak Fatah is a transformational Life Coach who guides male entrepreneurs to experience more aliveness, love, deeper meaning, and purpose through his events and coaching. Zarak is a man who walks his talk. His 40th birthday brought a stark, undeniable realization that he wasn’t where he wanted to be (and where he thought he would be). This wake-up was the catalyst for igniting a 180-degree shift in his life. Zarak swapped the city for the jungle, reinvented himself, and as a result, is now living his dream of a healthy, balanced, fulfilling life. In this episode, he shares how he got here. “Wipe the slate clean. I can now

  • 231. Justin & Leigh: The Deepest Silence You’ve Ever Known

    16/05/2022 Duración: 53min

    “Tuning into silence is just taking time to listen to nothing in particular… just tuning into the simple essence of what is.”The WHO has ranked noise pollution as only second to air pollution in its impact on human well being. Our world has become noisier and noisier. We’re constantly bombarded with stimuli and notifications competing for our attention. As a result, it’s becoming harder than ever to disconnect from external chaos and sink into the depths within. Justin Zorn & Leigh Marz are the authors of Golden: The Power of Silence in a World of Noise. Their perspectives and work on reclaiming the presence of silence in our lives has been taught to the U.S. Congress, Harvard, and Google. Justin & Leigh are committed to empowering people to reclaim silence in their lives - so they can experience the joy of connection, rest, and deep listening. Justin & Leigh are here to remind us that silence does exist in the world. We just have to find it, honor it, and sink into it. In turn, we’

  • 230. Raj Jana: The Importance Of Filling Up Your Own Cup

    10/05/2022 Duración: 59min

    “I really feel like I'm getting to that point where I now know when something undesirable is happening, like a trigger it's here to teach me something and it's on me. It's my responsibility to understand what that is.”This episode is my personal reflection for April 2022. Looking back, April was a very triggering month for me. I had a lot of things happening in my work, my relationships, and my relationship with self. It’s been an emotionally charged month. It was tough navigating everything and the combination of experiences made me feel exposed. In turn, I instinctively sought external validation from those I love. As I shined the light of awareness on this pattern, I was able to uncover the learning opportunity. I saw the invitation to deepen further into self-love. I heard the call to take responsibility to fill up my own cup. To create internal validation. To know at a deeper level who I am is enough. It’s been a beautiful journey that’s sparked so much growth - and I can’t wait to share it wit

  • Ep.229 Phoebe Mroczek: Why Certainty Is Not Safe

    02/05/2022 Duración: 57min

    “Can I love what it is and love it exactly the way it is?”Phoebe Mroczek is my soul sister and one of the most inspiring women I know. She’s been on a relentless pursuit of the greatest levels of love in herself over the past few years and I’ve witnessed her transformation first-hand. Her desire to step into new levels of leadership for herself, her relationship, and her work is so inspiring. And in this multi-faceted conversation, we explore it all. What does self-love really look like, why we need to befriend the body instead of transcending it, how to accept ALL of life (not just the good bits) - and so much more. “I've been very spiritual, very outside my body which has been great. And I've kind of lived in the clouds and loved in the clouds and created from there and to actually get into my body… it's not real until it clicks for you.” Phoebe Mroczek is the advisor for people who feel unclear, unfulfilled, or unsatisfied with multiple areas of their lives. As an energetic intelligence lead

  • 228. Amy Albright: Waking Up Your Spiritual Gifts

    25/04/2022 Duración: 57min

    “The most important thing that you can ever give another person is your loving presence.”I first met this episode’s guest at a dinner. We had an instant connection that led to a deep spiritual conversation. Since that moment, I’ve been so excited to have Dr. Amy Albright on the show. Dr. Amy’s audacious ownership of who she is inspires me, and I was curious about how one develops the courage to know themselves so deeply. How do you reach the place of trusting your intuition so fearlessly? How do you live a life fully guided by the wisdom within? This episode is a spiritual journey - almost a 101 for the role of spirituality in these changing times. We cover a LOT, and in particular, explore the incredibly important role that presence plays as an activator, a catalyst, and a gateway to a soul-led life.“When we're really, really present with someone else, there's actually an energetic layer that opens up in our field and merges with the other.”Dr. Amy Albright is on a mission to advance humanity. She’

  • 227. Ron Baker: What Your Soul Is Really Here To Do

    19/04/2022 Duración: 52min

    “When we begin to understand that our challenges are there to point us in certain directions so that we will focus on those specific things in our lifetime, then it's exactly what we need to be working on.” I love having previous guests back on the show. The new conversation reminds me how far I’ve come in my own journey of awareness. I’ll always remember the first time I met Ron Baker because until that moment, I knew nothing about the concept of an inner child. Ron was one of the first teachers that taught me to go within for the answers, the awareness, and the healing. His impact on me was profound. In this conversation, we pick up the theme of the inner child and expand it to embrace the emerging self. We explore the intense wisdom that your soul’s curriculum has as you navigate this incarnation on earth. We talk about Ron’s new book and how it’s been inspired by his soul. No book can match the book of the soul and it's clear that Ron’s new book was written from the most soulful of places. 

  • 226. Gina Worful: Releasing Energetic Scarcity

    11/04/2022 Duración: 46min

    "You are not anxious. Anxiousness is just present. It's just there. How do we nurture ourselves through the anxiousness and let it be there?"This week’s guest is one of the most magical humans I know. Gina Worful is a registered dietician and a master of human nutrition. Her work in this field is beautifully unique. Gina doesn’t teach meal planning or strict dieting rules but instead empowers her clients to connect with their bodies by eating more intuitively. Gina’s work offers people a pathway back to your true self using food as a bridge to create deeper relationships with every part of your life. The path Gina’s offering is the path of resonance, where we get to feel into our energetic relationship with different experiences.This is such a beautiful conversation and I’m excited for you to hear it.  “Energetically, if you're in a scarcity place and you try to suppress it and overcome it, it's probably always still going to be there driving.”In this episode, Gina and I explore: Understan

  • 225. Raj Jana: Feeling Your Way To A Healthier, Happier Life

    05/04/2022 Duración: 51min

    “Everything comes back down to this conversation around feeling and healing and learning to go deep within ourselves and remember who we are.” I’m so pumped to share my monthly reflection for March with you. This was a rich, potent conversation about the path to experiencing deep love and self trust through being present with every feeling that exists within you. There was a time when I lived above my neck only, disconnected from my emotions and the whispers of my soul. Going inward and reconnecting with my emotional body has been both challenging and one of the most beautiful adventures I’ve ever had. Most people live in their minds, unconsciously disconnected from their bodies from a fear of feeling something they don’t even realize they are afraid of feeling.But as you’ll hear in this episode, when you find the courage to go inwards and feel what you truly feel, your life expands in ways your mind cannot even fathom. Tune in to hear more…“You need to know that going inward will not kill you.

  • 224. Finnian Kelly: Transforming Your Money Into A Source of Peace, Purpose, And Power

    28/03/2022 Duración: 54min

    “Financially happy is a philosophy or a state of being. It’s this idea that you can be both happy and wealthy now.” As a society, we’ve guided ourselves into a challenging relationship with money. Money is the thread that flows through EVERYTHING. It’s the ultimate connector that ties us all together. Due to the way society is structured, most of us can’t live without money! Yet, we decided to make money an emotionally charged taboo. And it’s disempowering us. This episode’s guest - Finnian Kelly - is here to offer up a new perspective on money and wealth-creation. His own life experiences have taught him how to combine money with spirituality - so you can live a more intentional life. Finnian calls this philosophy Financially Happy, and in this episode, he shows you how you can choose this way of being for yourself.“Whenever someone says they don’t care about money, they care about money more than anyone else.” Finnian Kelly is the creator of the Financially Happy movement, a world-r

  • 223. Victor Pierantoni: The Path To Resolving Your Most Painful Emotions

    21/03/2022 Duración: 54min

    “The emotions are just like a little kid – they’re gonna keep coming at us wanting to say what they need to say until they’ve been heard and acknowledged.” Victor Pierantoni is a top-rated Results Coach who’s worked with hundreds of clients. He’s the founder of Zen Stoic - a method of emotional mastery that blends the timeless wisdom of two ancient schools: Zen Buddhism (from the East) and Stoicism (from the West).This methodology was developed as a result of Victor’s life experiences. After Victor’s mom died of cancer when he was just seven, Victor learned that everything you love can disappear in a flash. When his dad was diagnosed with melanoma, Victor felt called to help him not suffer mentally. The Zen Stoic path empowers people to savor the present moment while simultaneously preparing to lose everything. It’s a beautiful methodology that can lead you to unshakeable inner peace combined with the strength to take on anything. “When the emotions have not been acknowledged or felt, they

  • 222. Lindsay Sukornyk: Expanding The Height & Depth Of What It Is To Be Alive

    14/03/2022 Duración: 01h04min

    “When I think about creativity, I don’t think about myself as a creator, I think about myself as the vessel for creation.”Lindsay Sukornyk is a bubble of energy. She’s an infectious soul with a massive personality and an even bigger zest for life. It’s impossible to not feel differently after a conversation with her - so get ready to feel uplifted, energized, and vibrantly inspired. Lindsay is a TEDx speaker, transformational leadership coach for game changers, blogger at the HuffPost, and mama of 4. She’s the founder of Alive + Awake, where she guides leaders to a place of recharge, reset, and relaunch. Thanks to this path, Lindsay’s clients can discover and share their authentic selves to reach their peak potential and performance. This is because they find their edge, clear out their vessel, and learn to lead with a clear purpose, vision, and values. In this delicious conversation, Lindsay and I explore how creativity is a gateway to clearing out our connection to source so we can listen to the w

  • 221. Raj Jana: The Journey To Full Body Leadership

    07/03/2022 Duración: 51min

    “it's a new experience of learning to live with my full body and accessing intuition and connecting with truths that are present inside my body and my whole soul, my everything.” February was a month of potent growth for me. As I explore my emotional triggers to lean deeper into my healing journey, I’ve been able to integrate aspects of my shadow and expand my knowing of who I am. Looking back, February was about subconsciously living through the lens of full-body leadership. This looked like making decisions and moving through life with my whole body - not just my mind. It meant leveraging the wisdom of the heart, soul, gut, and sacrum in addition to my intellect. This shift in being has felt so powerful. Experiencing a full-body life has exposed me to expanded realities where everything is magnified and on fire. I’m excited to share these experiences with you in this week’s reflection episode. “I want that full-body life. Where everything is just on fire and everything is just alive

  • 220. Rob Sirstins: Learning To Befriend The Ego

    28/02/2022 Duración: 52min

    “Our ego was created to protect us. It comes up as a protection mechanism.” Part of our journey through life is to learn to navigate and work with the ego. The ego is a powerful force that can keep us trapped in a victim mindset, unconscious ways of being, and stories and narratives that aren’t conducive to the way we want to live. As a result, it’s tempting to try to ‘kill’ the ego. But what if a more powerful path is to learn how to befriend it.In this episode, I’m talking with Rob Sirstins. Rob is a coach and teacher who helps people find their warrior within so they can change the narrative in their own heads and get on the path of their fullest potential. He’s also a published author whose latest book Ego of The Warrior, empowers people to partner with their ego instead of trying to fight it. I read the book, it greatly impacted my life, and I’m pumped that you can now tap into Rob’s brilliance through this episode.  “We hear all the time. We need to kill the ego. That's just not

  • 219. Stuart Sovatsky: Integrating Tantra Into Daily Life

    21/02/2022 Duración: 52min

    “Consciousness doesn't let wonderful things be marginalized.”The energy of intimacy is a powerful way to connect deeper with life. In turn, a quest for intimacy can transform your relationship with everything including yourself, your partner, your work, and the world. I met this episode’s guest at a retreat for people seeking greater levels of intimacy with themselves and their significant others. Stuart Sovatsky was a guest speaker and he blew my mind. When he spoke, EVERYONE listened to his every word. Stuart’s career has spanned over 4 decades. His experience and wisdom in the relationship, intimacy, and erotic art space makes me want to bow. He’s been a marriage counselor for 44 years and was the first choice to co-direct Ram Dass’s prison ashram, and first in the US to bring yoga to incarcerated youth and the homeless mentally-ill in the 1970s. He’s served at the office of the Dalai Lama and has taught spiritual practices and modalities across the world. He’s the author of multiple books includ

  • 218. Juanique Roney: Finding Rainbows In the Depths Of Grief

    14/02/2022 Duración: 01h02min

    “Your shadow work, your mindset, those subconscious programs, is what governs everything in your body. It's the control center. It's the thermostat to the house.”Shadow work is a huge focus in my life right now and I’m excited to share more in the podcast. In these shadow themed episodes, I’m bringing on people to talk about their experiences of different shadow emotions. In this episode, Juanique Roney (aka @gutsy_mom) shares her experience with grief. Juanique is a soul sister to me and one of the most inspiring and powerful women I’ve ever met. She’s had a traumatic five years after her husband Tristin was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in 2017. He died last July. They had two young children.The way Juanique chose to navigate loss, death, and grief is one of the most powerful and inspirational things I’ve ever witnessed. She chose to grieve for her husband before he died by willingly diving into her fears, pain, and loss. Her strength is breathtaking. Somehow, she was able to alchemize her pa

  • 217. Raj Jana: The Art Of Dancing With Your Shadow

    07/02/2022 Duración: 49min

    “When we choose to go into the darkest aspects of ourselves, change is exponential.” For me, the first month of 2022 (really the last 5 months) has been infused with shadow work. I want to emphasise that I’ve been fully supported through my journey with mentors and coaches. Shadow work is deep and can be very uncomfortable. It pulls you through emotions and memories that can be hard to hold (which is why I always recommend you do this work with the right support).  Shadow work has sparked exponential shifts for me, but it’s been confronting. This work sits at the intersection of tension, conflict, and resistance. It requires you to step into the discomfort and explore the darker side of your psyche. Where you feel entitled. Where you switch on victim mode. Where you’re attached to egoic beliefs about yourself. Shadow work is a practice to feel feelings you don’t want to feel. You cycle through pain and triggers. But when you surrender to the pain, confusion, and chaos into love, a new

  • 216. Jason Ayers: Redefining Anger As An Appropriate Emotion

    31/01/2022 Duración: 51min

    “I don’t think I’ve found any greater amount of growth than I’ve found as a result of choosing to look into the shadow.” Do you have emotions that you struggle to feel? Is there a dark shadow to your character that you’re reluctant to explore? Have you noticed an undercurrent of anger, shame, or guilt that bubbles to the surface every now and again? If so, you’re human. Most of us struggle to navigate and hold emotions associated with our shadow. As a society, we’ve labelled feelings such as rage or grief ‘bad’ and as such, we’re reluctant to feel them. The shadow can feel like a scary place to go. But when you have the courage to look inside, you tap into the most profound opportunity to release, heal, and step into a more authentic version of who you are. In this episode, I’m talking with the founder of Visionary Alignment, Jason Ayers. As an executive coach, Jason is gifted at guiding entrepreneurs to navigate their darker emotions to find more authenticity. His ability to hold peo

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