Homers Leadership Podcast



Everything rises and falls on leadership, and the only way to be a great leader is by intentionally becoming one. // Podcast hosted by: Homer Hargrove


  • 27. How To Handle Criticism

    05/07/2023 Duración: 23min

    Big thought:   One thing that comes with the role of being a leader is being heavily criticized. You become the focal point of the organization with a fish bowl effect, and some people will feel no hesitation in voicing their disagreements on how you handle certain things. While many aspiring leaders expect some criticism from the role, I think that many are surprised by who ends up getting upset, what they’re upset about and how they go about voicing their criticisms. In this episode I’m going to unpack some clearer expectations that you can have as a leader when it comes to criticism, I’m going to show you how to filter the criticism in a healthy way, and I’m going to share my ideas on how you should respond to these instances. The reason that this is so important to talk about is because many leaders end up getting blind sided by certain criticism. It’s easy to respond out of emotion in a way that doesn’t necessarily positively represent your leadership. And even worse, many leaders get overwhelmed at t

  • 26: How To Present Yourself As A Leader

    28/06/2023 Duración: 11min

    Big thought:  An important aspect of leadership is recognizing how others perceive you. You should actually care about how others see you (to some extent) because, to some degree, it reflects your leadership. Today, we are going to talk about how to build part of your personality and rapport as a leader. We are going to talk about how to balance being authentic while still being gracious, we are going to unpack how to take responsibility without always taking the fall, and finally, we’re going to talk about how to be confident while still being humble. 1. Please use discretion. A lot of people think that in order to be “real” you have to be rude. It’s simply not true. Learning discretion is pivotal if you want to become a leader that people can have respect for. This also goes hand in hand with learning how to say what you want to say in a way that is appropriate. It requires you to really think before you speak, but the more that you practice this kind of discretion, the quicker and better you will get at i

  • 25: 3 Principles To Succeed In Ministry

    21/06/2023 Duración: 17min

    BIG THOUGHT:  It’s easy to feel overwhelmed from all of the suggested advice or steps when it comes to experiencing success in leadership or ministry. You can truly waste hours, days and months chasing the “new” idea on ministry or leadership but I believe there are simple and consistent principles that you can apply to your role without having to compromise your character, personality or vision. Today, we are going to unpack 3 of these principles that will help you to form a foundation of leadership while still keeping your own creative individuality.  1. SHOW UP. When it comes to showing up, I believe the 80/20 rule applies. While this philosophy is pretty common, it’s surprisingly accurate. 80% of success can be achieved by simply showing up. That’s it. If you show up consistently, you will see results. You’d be surprised how many people simply can not do this. I’ve seen it in blue collar workplaces, sales, and ministry. Many people simply don’t show up enough consistently. But when you show up enough tim

  • 24. Why You Need Accountability

    14/06/2023 Duración: 15min

    Big thought:   Accountability usually sounds restrictive to the person who is being accountable because can make you feel like you are putting yourself in a box or positioning yourself to having to ask permission. But that is not what we are talking about today. Choosing to find someone to be accountable to is choosing to ask someone to help you achieve greater results in your life and leadership. In today’s episode, I’m going to explain what healthy accountability should look like (and not look like) and then I’m going to unpack the two main reasons as to why you should seek out accountability. 1. What Accountability IS and ISN’T.  In order for accountability to really work, you have to actually talk to someone on a regular basis. You may even want to have different layers of accountability, each with a different person who helps you. For example: someone you check-in with daily via text; someone you check-in weekly with a 30 min phone call; someone you check-in monthly with an 1hr phone call; someone you

  • 23. The Importance of Being Yourself

    07/06/2023 Duración: 18min

    Big thought:   One of the most common pains in leadership is IMPOSTER SYNDROME. People constantly think that they have to be somebody else in order to be successful, but it’s simply not true. The more that you try to pretend to be someone else, the more stunted your leadership impact will be. When you allow yourself to be authentic, you will reach people who only you would be able to reach.  “People would rather follow someone who is always real rather than someone who is always right.” - Craig Groeschel  There is a healthy balance of being genuine while still working to become a better version of yourself. We can pursue change while at the same time remaining true to ourselves. In Today’s episode, I’m going to share from my own experiences of imposter syndrome and unpack some guiding principles to help you navigate your own journey of becoming an authentic leader that reaches the people that no one else would be able to reach. 1. Break the mold.  It’s easy to fit in when we deny who we are. Learning what gu

  • 22. How To Host An Event

    31/05/2023 Duración: 23min

    Big thought:  Hosting an event can be either exciting or terrifying depending on whether or not you know what you're doing. When you lead your first event, you quickly realize that it's a lot easier said than done because of how much work it takes and because of how many details are easy to forget about. Today, I'm going to give you some essential event planning lessons to help you in making a greater impact with your next event! It will equip you in both regular event that you have and potential bigger stand-alone events that you may have in the future.  The reason this is so important is because there are many events (and I mean MANY events) that appear to be out right sloppy and uninspiring! Not only is it a disappointing for the people that you want to reach, but it is discouraging for you. Even though individuals put so much work, time and energy into it, they almost feel like it was for nothing or not worth it because it didn't meet the expectations. You have VISION, you just may need so

  • 21. Things To Change In Year One

    24/05/2023 Duración: 17min

    Big thought: One of the first things that generally happen when a new person is put in charge is them changing the name. Our first instinct is to take a sense of possession over the organization or ministry by renaming it and changing it to fit our personality. The reason this can be very unproductive and even dangerous is because it is done out of ego rather than critical thinking. Today we’re going to unpack some of the first things that you should do (and not do) within your first year of being in charge. This is such an important topic because it will save you loads of time and energy, making you more efficient and effective during your intro season to leadership.  We’re going to focus on 3 major aspects of this kind of introductory leadership: Time Investment, Culture Molding, and System Efficiency. While each of these topics could be individual episodes of themselves, today I’m going to give you a simple overview to get you started. 1. Time Investment - Understanding your timeline better helps you to u

  • 20. How To Delegate Effectively

    17/05/2023 Duración: 18min

    Big thought: Depending on where you’re starting out in ministry or business, learning how to delegate tasks and responsibilities is key to being able to grow. There is always something more to be done, and if you don’t learn how to put people in the right places, you will be the cap to your own success. Today, we are going to talk about the right mindset of delegation, the actual practice of it, and how to best communicate it. 1. Understanding Your Role - If someone is able to do what you’re currently doing, you will be able to do something else that needs to be done or could be done. You will begin to experience exponential results! 2. How To Delegate - You must get organized. So many times, we think that leader have it all together! Or maybe you think that everyone has it together except for you! Trust me, none of us know what we’re doing. But getting organized is more talked about than actually done. 3. Communicating Clearly - What you can’t overlook in this process is giving them the tools to succeed an

  • 19. 6 Common Mistakes In Youth Ministry

    10/05/2023 Duración: 16min

    Big thought:  Student ministry is one of the most meaningful and necessary components of church, yet it is often used as the guinea pig for ministers to cut their teeth with. In fact, most leaders learn their biggest mistakes in youth ministry! While no leader is perfect, we should strive to do better than the past. Youth ministry shouldn’t be looked at as a preparing stage for “real” ministry. Every soul is valuable no matter how old they are.  In today’s episode, I'm going to share with you the top 6 mistakes that I made as a youth minister. While we could spend an entire month just talking about what youth games you shouldn’t try, I’m going to focus more on the ideological mistakes that I made and why I think they should matter to you. 6 Mistakes I made in youth ministry: 1. Replacing the parent.  2. Pretending to be a youth. 3. Being too intimate. 4. Becoming their emotional savior. 5. Centering service around fun. 6. Dumbing down the message. Take away: 1. Identify 1-3 things from this list that y

  • 18. When Words Don't Come Easy with Andy Howard

    03/05/2023 Duración: 49min

    In this episode, Andy Howard leads us in a conversation about overcoming depression and discouragement. Andy was born in Bryan, Texas and currently lives outside Dallas, TX with his wife Tiffany and their three beautiful daughters Payton, Parker, and Presley. For over 20 years, Andy Howard has served in ministry as a youth pastor and marriage ministry pastor. He has found that not much changes in each role, just that some come with more wrinkles and less hair. Andy is an advocate for mental health awareness as he has known the heaviness of depression himself. He is passionate about fighting against the awful attack of mental health issues that are running rampant across the human race. To connect with Andy, you can follow him on Instagram @andybhoward or you can visit his website www.andyhoward.com -- Leave a rating and review for this show! TAP HERE to connect with Homer or visit https://www.homerhargrove.com Follow on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok SHOP merch on https://www.homerhargrove.com/shop

  • 17. How To Balance Ministry And Parenting - Balancing Series

    27/04/2023 Duración: 21min

    Big thought: One way to experience burnout is by having your personal life invaded by your work life. It’s easy to feel completely exasperated due to the additional efforts or pressures from work or ministry, and if left unchecked, it can totally ruin your potential as a parent, a spouse or as a minister. Because ministry is so personal and unpredictable, one of the biggest challenges is learning how to balance your personal life and the ongoing demand of ministry.  In today’s episode, I focus on learning how to balance as a parent. I share my own personal experiences in an effort to give you a heads up of mistakes to avoid and tips to help you better tap into your potential as a parent and minister. Lessons from my kids: With my 1st kid, I learned: You ONLY have 24 hours in a day. With my 2nd kid, I learned: You ONLY have 100% to give. With my 3rd kid, I learned: You should ONLY say “yes” when it is truly a right fit. Take away: 1. Write down and list 1-24 hours for your day and do a time assessment. Bloc

  • 16. How To Foster A Healthy Community Culture

    19/04/2023 Duración: 16min

    Big thought:  Community culture is present within every formation of people and it can either make or break any organization, church, workplace or family. Which is why it is so important to know how to foster healthiness, as well as, how to throw out toxicity.  In today’s episode, I’m going to give 5 healthy components for a healthy community culture, and then I’m going to show you how to handle potentially harmful traits and people as a leader. 5 Healthy Traits: Freedom Inspiration Friendship  Confidence Authenticity How To Handle Toxicity: Always check yourself first. Take divisiveness and gossip seriously. Protect your people by not being passive. Take away: Do a community inventory by rating your culture on a scale of 1-10 for each of the five traits discussed in today’s episode. Ask your team, or those close to you in your organization, to do the same thing as Take away #1 and then compare the results together in order to form an action plan of improvement. Identify potentiall

  • 15. Interview by Aurelio Arias, Christ Mission College

    12/04/2023 Duración: 45min

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing with you a clip from an interview, conducted by Aurelio Arias from Christ Mission College. In this Interview, I share spiritual and practical aspects of ministry, pastoring, sermon preparation and more. Leave a rating and review for this show! TAP HERE to connect with Homer or visit https://www.homerhargrove.com Follow me on @homerdh3 on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok.

  • 14. Find Your Calling With Grace Buckman

    05/04/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    In this episode, Grace Buckman leads us in a conversation about finding your calling. Grace is a Christian woman from Australia who leads the Hallelujah! podcast. Her show was born out of her passion to encourage young women, spread the gospel, and share the truth of God’s word. The Hallelujah! podcast is designed to inspire and equip you to walk out your faith in a biblical way as you seek God in all things.You can connect with Grace Buckman by following and subscribing to @hallelujahpodcast on Instagram, Spotify and Apple podcasts. You can also visit http://www.hallelujahpodcast.com to learn more. -- Leave a rating and review for this show! TAP HERE to connect with Homer or visit https://www.homerhargrove.com Follow @homerdh3 on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok!

  • 13. Learn How To Create Your Own Content

    29/03/2023 Duración: 15min

    Big thought: Many people have a passion to say something meaningful but struggle with being able to articulate it in a clear and understandable way without it sounding like a regurgitated thought they heard from someone else. Today, I'm going to teach you three methods of creating a talk. But before we get into that I want to start with two things you need in order to develop the right mindset for a talk. The Right Mindset: 1. Have DIRECTION for your talk. 2. Be GENUINE for your audience and in your content. Three Methods of Creating a Talk: 1. Bible story based. This is the method of using scripture to either paint a story, share a lesson or invoke a challenge. This method is incredibly versatile because you can either use a single verse to unpack a concept, a person as an example to follow or be weary of, or full passages of content to show depth and reasoning. This is powerful way to connect with people at a spiritual level (and all other levels). 2. Principle based. This is the method of having a

  • 12. Ways To Overcome Discouragement

    22/03/2023 Duración: 16min

    Big thought: Discouragement can be one of the biggest stumbling blocks for someone who is close to break through, and if left unresolved, can completely change the course of someone’s future. Not only can discouragement demoralize you and set you off course, but it can also be an unrealized killer in your satisfaction and joy. There are many times people are genuinely and deeply discouraged without and even realizing it. So whether you’re currently discouraged or you want to know how to overcome it for the future, here are 7 tips to help you overcome discouragement: Recognize you’re not alone or the only one. Expose and stop self-defeating thoughts. Identify possible sources of your discouragement. Make any possible changes to your circumstances. Engage with a trusted community with transparency. Start a gratefulness journal. Journal your true thoughts prayerfully. Find output focused activities/hobbies to practice. Take away: Find a person or counselor to confide in on

  • 11. Enduring Faith With Simon Andrade

    15/03/2023 Duración: 56min

    Big thought:  Sometimes, the pain that we're persevering in ends up becoming our purpose and calling.  In this episode, Simon Andrade shares his experience of finding his purpose as he learned the power of perseverance through struggle. He also shares practical advice on how to overcome disappointments, as well as, how he began to navigate the early stages of stepping into his current role.   Simon is the host of the free and redeemed podcast speaking to men and women who are struggling in their Christian faith. He is also a committed member to the Limitless church (formerly known as House of Prayer Church). His passion is hoping to impact leadership for other believers by helping them know the truth with daily partnership with the Holy Spirit.     Follow Simon Andrade on Instagram @simondanielboy   TAP HERE to connect with Homer or visit https://www.homerhargrove.com Follow on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok

  • 10. How To Use Your Weaknesses As Strengths

    09/03/2023 Duración: 13min

    Big thought: The very things that we view as weaknesses in our personality often reveal what our strengths are but because those traits have got us into trouble, we think that we are supposed to avoid or hide those traits all together. I have found, time and time again, that those highlighted “weaknesses” are simply disguising our unrealized strengths. When you lean into these traits, rather than away from them, you will tap into your hidden potential like never before. So here are 5 steps to help you identify and utilize your weaknesses as strengths: Identify areas of “trouble” and lean in. Clarify your passions and marry them. Identify areas of mental neglectfulness. Establish automations or people for what you neglect. Start saying no to the things that don’t meet your passion. Take away: What is your secret strength, and when can you first recognize it in your childhood? What changes in your life or role do you need to make in order to better utilize your personality strengths? After id

  • 9. 11 Questions To Ask A Mentor

    02/03/2023 Duración: 13min

    Big thought: One of the best ways to tap into your hidden potential is by learning how to see problems before they become YOUR problems. History repeats itself because we don't take the time to learn from the mistakes of people before us. Rather than waiting for someone to give you unsolicited advice, go out and ask people whom you admire about their lives and what they’ve learned. 11 questions to ask your mentor or role model What was your greatest obstacle? Who else would you recommend for me to connect with? What mistakes have you made? What's one question you wished you asked earlier? What accomplishments are you most proud of? What's the greatest piece of advice that you've gotten? What's the greatest lesson you've learned from a failure? What are you learning right now? What advice would you give to someone just starting out? What is the greatest change you've made as a leader? If you could do anything differently, what would it be? Take away: Make a list of 3-5 people to set up

  • 8. How To Gain Experience In Ministry

    22/02/2023 Duración: 11min

    Big thought: In today’s world, workplaces desire for us to have two things. That is EDUCATION and EXPERIENCE. So many people strive to get the education but are then shot down for not having the experience. Today I’m going to show you some real and available options for you to, not only gain experience, but to begin making an impact in your community NOW. Volunteer Somewhere. Local Church. This is probably the easiest place to start (depending on your church) because there is a variety of areas that your can dip your toes into. Faith based organizations. No need to re-create the wheel! There are so many different ministries outside of the “church” that help and support people within the community. Secular organizations. This area has incredible potential because it has a great need and a unique aspect in the fact that you will have to get creative in how you present the gospel while ministering as a volunteer. Find a mentor More specifically, find an actual person to help mentor an

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