Hr Pills

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 23:36:33
  • Mas informaciones



Welcome to HR Pills, your weekly bite-sized dose of HR tips and best practices, that will help your company go into the 21st centuryFind us also on Youtube:


  • Teletrabajo: Todo lo que deben saber las empresas - Dosis de RRHH #7

    23/10/2019 Duración: 20min

    Esta semana, Bernat Farrero y Allende Azcárate, abogada laboralista, nos hablan del teletrabajo.   Teletrabajo, trabajo a distancia, trabajo en remoto Hay muchos términos para definir un mismo principio: Trabajar fuera del lugar oficial de trabajo.   Pero  ¿qué nos dice la ley española?  ¿Cómo se mide la productividad?  ¿Se puede autorizar a una parte sola de tu plantilla y prohibirlo a la otra?  ¿Qué es el derecho de adaptación de la jornada a la carta?  ¿Tiene la empresa la obligación de aceptar las demandas de teletrabajo de sus empleados?  ¿Puede una empresa obligar al trabajador a hacer teletrabajo?    ¡Y mucho más!    Con la tendencía actual a ofrecer esta ventaja cada vez más a los empleados, ¡no te pierdes este podcast!

  • La contratación de extranjeros en españa - Dosis de rrhh #6

    16/10/2019 Duración: 15min

    Esta semana, Bernat Farrero y Allende Azcárate, abogada laboralista, nos hablan de la contratación de los extranjeros en España.  ¿Cuáles son los pasos a seguir cuando quieres integrar a un no residente dentro de tu empresa?  ¿Qué cambia si el empleado es de la Unión Europea o no? ¿De qué manera se aplica el IRPF a los no residentes?  ¿Qué tiene que ver su residencia fiscal con todo eso? ¿Cambia algo si ya tienen NIE (numero de identificación de extranjeros)?  ¿Qué pasa si quiero contratar a un becario no residente?   Y mucho más!   Con un mundo cada vez más global, los responsables de RRHH tienen que estar listo a contratar personas de cualquier parte del globo, ¡así que no te pierdas este podcast!

  • Todo sobre las Bajas Médicas -Dosis de RRHH #5

    09/10/2019 Duración: 21min

    Esta semana, Bernat Farrero charla con Allende Azcárate sobre las bajas médicas. ¡Y lo hablan todo!  ¿Qué impacto tiene la política de bajas médicas de las empresas? ¿Cuál es el coste de las bajas médicas en tu empresa?  ¿Puede un empleado enfermo seguir trabajando?  ¿Cotiza un empleado cuando está de baja?  ¿Qué cobra un empleado estando bajo una enfermedad común?  ¿Qué pasa en caso de un accidente de trabajo?  ¿El sueldo lo devenga la seguridad social o la empresa?   Así que si tampoco tienes muy claro qué hacer ahora que llegan las gripes, echa un vistazo a nuestro podcast.

  • El mito del contrato de becario - Dosis de RRHH #4

    02/10/2019 Duración: 20min

    En la dosis de esta semana, Allende Azcárate, abogada laboralista, y Bernat Farrero desmontan el mito del contrato de becario. ¿Sabías que no existen los contratos de becario? Apostaría a que no

  • Políticas de vacaciones: todo lo que debes saber - Dosis de RRHH#3

    26/09/2019 Duración: 22min

    Esta semana en las dosis de RRHH de Factorial repasamos las leyes de políticas de vacaciones con el abogado laboralista Ramon Salvat.   ¿De qué depende la cantidad de días de vacaciones que se imputan a los trabajadores? ¿Puede la empresa denegar vacaciones solicitadas por el empleado? ¿Qué ventajas tiene imputar las vacaciones en días laborales o naturales? ¿Qué pasa si un empleado esta de baja? ¿Acumula días de vacaciones? ¿Se pueden acumular las vacaciones al año siguiente?   Seguramente ya te has hecho alguna de esas preguntas, ¡si no todas! Factorial te las resuelve todas con este podcast, ¡no te lo pierdas!

  • Los contratos temporales - Dosis de RRHH #2

    19/09/2019 Duración: 15min

    Hoy Allende Azcárate, abogada laboral en Factorial, nos habla de los contratos temporales. Estos contratos, son una relación laboral entre un trabajador y un empleador, que tienen que ser establecidos por un tiempo determinado y una actividad muy concreta.   Allende nos recuerda los pasos importantes que no podemos olvidar durante la redacción de estos contratos como la causa de contratación. ¡Si tú también tienes dudas sobre este tema no te pierdas este segundo episodio de nuestra segunda temporada de las dosis de RRHH!

  • Los tipos de despidos - Dosis de RRHH #1

    12/09/2019 Duración: 16min

    Hoy Allende, abogada laboral en Factorial, nos habla de los dos tipos de despidos y de sus cualificaciones. Aclarando las dudas frecuentes de los responsables de RRHH sobre este tema. Allende desmonta varios mitos sobre los despidos, como el mito del "tercer tipo de despido" o el del "despido express". Si tu también tienes dudas con este tema, ¡Nuestro primer episodio de esta secunda temporada de las dosis de RRHH es para ti!

  • 22/05/2019 Duración: 07min

     If you’re an entrepreneur whose startup is growing and you are afraid of hiring the wrong person, do not worry, making mistakes is human and nobody is safe. There is no guaranteed process for successful recruitment, but knowing the obstacles and potential problems that you might face can help you to avoid them, or deal with them if they do arise.   Let’s discuss the 7 most frequent mistakes made when recruiting, and you can also see how to avoid them.  Thinking of recruitment only as signing a contract  Excessively eternal selection processes  Keep the candidates informed  Finish interviews abruptly   After interviewing human resources managers and other recruiters we  have detected that there are some main common mistakes. What are the rest and what can you do?   Blog - 7 Mistakes when recruiting that you didn’t know: 

  • 16/05/2019 Duración: 05min

    As soon as your business has more than about five employees you should think about the best way to manage communication in all directions. Effective workplace communication skills require a balance of downward communication or top-down communication and upward or bottom-up communication.. but also sideways. On this week’s HR Pill, Laboy looks at this balance of communication in organizations so you can improve your leadership skills and have an effective workplace communication no matter what.  Which are the types of communications we cover? Communicating up: From employees to you Communicating down: From you to employees Communicating sideways: or Across the team So what can we do if we’re not in the position to say “hey, everyone, our communication skills suck!”? Well, we can set an example and make a change around us. Let’s take a quick look!

  • 15/05/2019 Duración: 06min

    Let me start by asking a simple question: Would you rather hire an employee to work for you, and worry about paying workers’ compensation premiums, unemployment taxes, payroll taxes, and employee benefits, as well as properly calculating overtime; or would you prefer simply to commission an independent contractor and pay that person solely for the work itself? The answer is not that obvious. Today’s business leaders eventually all end up facing the contractor vs. full-time employee dilemma. But there’s no need to scratch your head so much with this, we’re here to help.  On this week’s dose, Laboy going to discuss: The differences between hiring independent contractors versus hiring employees What it entails And what could possibly benefit you more He explains the big differences between the two classifications, and why it really does matter, especially when it comes to your workplace.

  • 07/05/2019 Duración: 07min

    If you’re an employer looking for new staff members – you’re in for a wild ride. In a recent survey, according to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), more than two-thirds of hiring organizations indicated that they’re having a difficult time recruiting talent for job openings. So it’s a fact: Every day it’s getting harder and harder to write an effective job ad. This week, Laboy goes over some key aspects to attract the best candidates: - Create a consistent message - Define your company mission and stick to it - Exhibit their career path - And much more   Let’s give a makeover to that dusty, old job posting and make this step of the recruitment process a breeze!

  • 06/05/2019 Duración: 05min

    Carrots and sticks? Exceptional performance or disappointment? Your team is probably unmotivated… and it’s probably your own fault. Keeping up employee motivation seems like it should be easy, but it's not. Some pieces of advice could be: - Keep an eye on employee recognition - Be consistent with employee treatment - Anticipate work roadblocks - And much more...   As management, what are you doing wrong when it comes to motivating your team at work and general employee satisfaction? Let's find out!

  • 05/05/2019 Duración: 06min

    Which ones are we talking about? Your good employees! Employee turnover is one of the biggest issues facing any company, including yours. So, how do you keep the good ones? Laboy goes over different symptoms and remedies to give you employee retention strategies and also tools to identify the ones that just don't want to be there, so you can improve employee satisfaction.  Let's find out!

  • 04/05/2019 Duración: 07min

    A phrase exists in the HR world that goes like this: “What Happens in HR Stays in HR.” It’s a humorous play on words, but the meaning is serious. For HR managers, confidentiality is something that always needs to be top of mind. That is why on this week's podcast, Laboy goes over some important aspects of handling confidential information and tips on how to make your workplace as compliant with the law as possible.  Let’s get confidential!

  • 03/05/2019 Duración: 07min

    This week we’re gonna talk about a maybe not so crazy idea: the 4 days work week. Our host Laboy will go over the best solutions you can offer your employees to reach the perfect balance between productivity and flexibility in the workplace.   From 4/10 work week to flexible schedule, let’s dive into it!

  • 17/04/2019 Duración: 06min

    Welcome back to HR Pills, your weekly dose of HR presented by Factorial.   This week we go over communication. Yes, communication, but not in the way you think. How do you help with communication from top to bottom in a company?   We thought of one solution: Managing by Walking Around. Laboy goes over what this tool is, how it helps, and why MBWA should be part of your daily routine ASAP.    Come take a walk with us!

  • 10/04/2019 Duración: 05min

    Welcome back to HR Pills, your weekly dose of HR presented by Factorial.   So nine-to-five has served its useful purpose, we know. That’s why this week we’re gonna dive headfirst into an ever-changing topic in HR: Time & Attendance Systems. Laboy goes over the types of TNA’s, yes that’s how they called them, and to where your company should be moving to with this system.   It’s HR time!

  • 03/04/2019 Duración: 07min

    Time for your fourth dose!   We’ve been talking about the dangers that lurk in offices. Now that we have ideas on how to keep a workplace safe, it’s time to start dabbling into HR as a whole. To best understand Human Resource Management, in this week’s episode our host Laboy will look at a brief history, explain the roles it plays in organisations and go over when is it time to bring HR into the mix.   Let’s get ethical!

  • 27/03/2019 Duración: 09min

    Welcome to HR Pills, your weekly dose of HR presented by Factorial. We’ve been talking about bullying in the workplace, but we haven’t even started talking about the worst kind of harassment: Mobbing. Let’s call it like it is, mobbing is basically “bullying on steroids”.  Not sure about what we’re talking about?  Don’t worry, on this week’s episode our host Laboy goes over the history of mobbing, its effects and what you can do to stop this toxic practice. Let’s make the workplace safe again!

  • 20/03/2019 Duración: 06min

    Welcome to HR pills, your weekly dose of HR tips delivered by Factorial. After learning what unconscious biased is last week, we are now discussing how they can influence the way we behave towards each other in the workplace. Have you heard of microaggressions? Those offhand comments that, without malicious intent, prompt uncomfortable feelings of discrimination at work. Don’t worry, in this week’s episode our host Laboy goes over the nuances of microaggressions and we give you a couple of solutions to get rid of bullying in your company.

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