Official Women In Horror Month Podcast

Episode 3: Non-Fiction Horror By Women & Lianne Spiderbaby



Happy end of April, listeners! I hope Spring is springing all up in your corner of planet Earth and bringing you much joy for the outdoors. While out, I hope your headphones and mobile devices are tuned into our latest episode where we celebrate some really groovy women who have contributed to the horror community through non-fiction prose. Hannah and Ashlee jump right into their [read]trospective of Carol J. Clover's Men Women and Chainsaws: Gender In The Modern Horror Film first by uniquely describing how the book came to their knowledge and second, a briefer on their favorite sections. Shout out to the folks who responded to our Facebook and Twitter question about what were some of your favorite non-fiction horror by or about women: Chelsey Burdon recommends Axelle Carolyn's It Lives Again!: Horror Movies In The New Millenium. Alexandra West point us to The Dread of Difference: Gender and the Horror Film. Andrew N. Shearer is hip to Renegade Sisters: Girl Gangs on Film by Bev Zalcock. (Mae West may h