Dos Marcos

How to Plan 2024 Using The Big A## Calendar and More



Get Intentional and energized for 2024! Mark Kinsley, host of The Sleep Summit Show, goes solo in this week's episode shares some incredibly valuable insights to help you get intentional and energized as you wrap up 2023 and look ahead to the new year. So where do you start? First, break down your business planning into three key buckets: goals, strategies, and tactics. Clearly define your quantifiable goals for 2024, determine the strategies and resources needed to achieve those goals and finally, outline the specific tactics and assets required to execute your strategies. This goal-strategy-tactic framework provides a clear roadmap. Second, create a one-sheet with your major initiatives for 2024. Refer back to this anchor document throughout the year to stay focused on key priorities amidst the swirl of business demands. Kinsley utilizes a "big ass calendar" to map out his year at a glance, scheduling personal adventures and other "big rocks" before filling in obligations and co