Soul Safari

Global Warmth: WitchDoktorate



Now that the retrograde is behind us,so are the things that are better off left there.A few things that have come and gone may very wellbecome relics, some fossils, and others potentially end up in museums,documenting landmarks from eras of yesteryear. The latter, after have been found intriguing and harvested by an eager curator, become exhibits and experiences for those that appreciate the preservationof precious things. If there is nothing new under the Sun,then there should be no problem accepting the fact that the songscontained in this aural elixir are anything but that. Ironically, dated… they are not. Therein lies the beauty of being ahead of one's time.Several works represented here are more than a decade beyond theiroriginal release years, yet they are light years away from many tunesheard in today's conventional establishments,thus providing the reason, and the rhyme for the alternative. This kosmik occasion includes Africans, Asians,Australians and Europeans, representing a wide spectrum for the