

The Power of Passion and Perseverance Welcome to Episode 4, which focuses on the renowned book "GRIT" by Angela Duckworth. お待たせしました!第4回目のポッドキャストは In this episode we break down the book into manageable chunks and quotes that we felt really highlight what Duckworth wants to get across. みなさんご存知のアンジェラ・ダックワース氏著「GRIT」です。 We look at the what GRIT is, who has it and how to build it.  We are sure you can learn a few things and maybe even improve how gritty you can be from today. 今回はダックワース氏が書籍の中で述べている「GRITとは何か、どのように身につけたらいいか」について具体的にお伝えします Angela Duckworth Duckworth's original TED talks released before releasing GRIT. ダックワース氏のTED Talksは書籍が出版される以前にリリースされています。 Check out our facebook for more tips!   BB Team