Sit & Sew Radio

Episode 43 - A chat with new FreeSpirit owner, Scott Fortunoff



Welcome to Episode 43 of Sit & Sew Radio, a Quilt Addicts Anonymous podcast. If you have been anywhere near your phone or a computer and you follow the who’s who of quilting celebrities on social media, chances are you heard the news that FreeSpirit has gotten a new lease on life. The brand that is home to some of the most well-known fabric designers in the industry was purchased by Jaftex, a family-owned company that also owns Henry Glass, Studioe, Blank Quilting and many more popular sewing industry brands. Scott Fortunoff, one of the fourth-generation owners of Jaftex came on the show to talk about the acquisition, how they plan to make FreeSpirit profitable and how this was the deal of a lifetime. The Kaffe Fassett Collective, Tula Pink, Anna Maria Horner and many other big designers are staying on with FreeSpirit under the new owners, and much of the support staff will remain in place as well. Scott Fortunoff, fourth generation owner Jaftex Scott and I also talk about the history of Jaftex, how it h