Sit & Sew Radio

Episode 33 - 'Quilts and Human Rights' with Laura McDowell Hopper



For Episode 33 I hit the road to DeKalb, IL to check out the "Quilts and Human Rights" exhibit at Northern Illinois University's Pick Museum of Anthropology. “Quilts and Human Rights” includes more than 50 quilts centered around themes of social justice from all over the world. These quilts were powerful, relevant and at times uncomfortable to look at while touching on important topics such as civil rights, sexual assault, immigration, race relations, apartheid and more. Real quick before we get into some really important topics in the quilting world and in society today. We have a special coupon code for this episode so listeners can save 25 percent on any single regular priced item at Just enter SEW33 at checkout to save. Laura McDowell Hopper, textile curator Back for her third appearance on the Sit & Sew Radio podcast is Laura McDowell Hopper. She is a curator at the Pick Museum by day and a quilt blogger at by night. Laura takes Stephanie throu