Hogcast: Speedy Delivery

The Feliz Yaoidad Special



Our favorite pro sniper, Robynne (@starfoxidiot), joins us to talk about boys on this very special Feliz Yaoidad episode of Hogcast: Speedy Delivery. (The audio is a bit rougher than usual because Russ had to record it over Skype, but the content is some premium stuff. Trust.) Notes:I hate Guro Alan, who’s your Nicolas Cage boy? Snuffits face is a gun and cute, Otto Rocket Asphyxiation, Dennis the Menace, Drinking some delicious Tir Na eggNog, Shadow’s hum talking and Sonic’s Chuckle Addiction, Russ puts his ASMR skills to good use, our podcast is now called Fluffer Smutters, My Anime Club Member OC, He’ll throw you against a wall and leave your bones in the wrong place, No Boys Deep Web, we talk about Xorn. Corrections: Russ was thinking of Muji T-Shirt Cubes, the fanfic’s description of hedgehog genitals was upsettingly upsetting. Also Alan meant to say Kick instead of Mutant Growth Hormone.