New Books In Dance

Yvonne Rainer, "Revisions: Essays by Apollo Musagète, Yvonne Rainer, and Others" (No Place Press, 2020)



Yvonne Rainer is one of the most influential living choreographers. After studying with Merce Cunningham she co-founded the Judson Dance Theater, a center of post-modern dance whose influence far outlasted its three years of existence. In the 1970s Rainer transitioned into film directing. She released seven feature films between 1972 and 1996 before returning to choreography in 2000 with After Many a Summer Dies the Swan, a piece created for Mikhail Baryshnikov’s White Oak Dance Project. Her latest book Revisions: Essays by Apollo Musagète, Yvonne Rainer, and Others (No Place Press, 2020) features the text of her ongoing piece Revisions: A Truncated History of the Universe for Dummies along with essays and interviews reflecting on her life and work. Andy Boyd is a playwright based in Brooklyn, New York. He is a graduate of the playwriting MFA program at Columbia University, Harvard University, and the Arizona School for the Arts. His plays have been produced, developed, or presented at IRT, Pipeline Theatre C