Unimaginary Friendcast

#261 - Vaccines: To Vax or Not To Vax?



VAX vs ANTI-VAX. To Vax or Not to Vax. We learn the ins and outs from a REAL LIFE nurse, then we settle the debate ONCE AND FOR ALL! And, let me tell you, Nurse Sandy don’t pull no punches! One listener referred to her as a Straight-shooter and admitted that her frankness scared him to death. Be warned and be well-informed, then do what we say! #YoureWelcome Other topics include: Covid 19, Corona, Whooping Cough, Pertussis, Mumps, Rubella, Smallpox, Diptheria, Polio, Tetanus,  Measles, Chicken pox, the Flu, Vaccines, Danny Masterson Alleged Rapist, Rape, Scientology, Scientologists, Tuskegee Syphilis Study, quarantine, Godzilla, King Kong, Masks ARE Dangerous, Corneal Abrasian, Movie Trailers, and True Lies, but NOTHING about a demented entitled juvenile sociopath who could take not responsibility and blamed everyone for his own faults. Hasn’t it been refreshing for the last couple of weeks? So sit back, relax, and enjoy the most downloaded podcast in the world! The Unimaginary Friendcast! The Unimaginary Fri