Unimaginary Friendcast

#253 - Exploring Cults with Author Jane Borden



What is it about…Cults? Author Jane Borden joins us for a very interesting interview, mostly focusing on her Vanity Fair article, “What is it about California & Cults?” She did a lot of research for the piece, so she discusses little-known facts about a lot of them, from NXVIM, the Moonies, the KKK, and of course the Mother Ship of all Cults: Scientology. There is a bit of conversation about her book, “I Totally Meant To Do That” as well. Other Topics Include: Cops and #DefundThePolice, Erin’s rant about voting for Joe Biden now and supporting a 3rd Party Candidate next time, Nathan’s Covid Test, Donald “Buttrash” Trump, ClaudiaMConway, TikTok, Kellyanne Conway, Twitter, Lesbians, #HumanBeingsAreLikeCockroachesOnGodsHeavenlyKitchenFloorFightingOverALimaBean, Breonna Taylor, Secret Shoppers, Bitch, and Lesbian Slut Gang Bang, but NOTHING about fake attention-grabbing Covid Illnesses. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the most downloaded podcast in the world! The Unimaginary Friendcast! The Unimaginary Friendca