Unimaginary Friendcast

#247 - Scientology: The Latest Updates



SCIENTOLOGY NEWS. It’s always fun to check in with everyone’s favorite cult: The Church Of Scientology. And, BOY, they NEVER disappoint. From the recent death of Kelly Preston and John Travolta’s possible split from the church, to Danny Masterson’s rape charges, and actresses coming out against Tom Cruise; they are always bringing the drama! David Monster gives us his unique viewpoint, from the inside. It makes one wonder whatever happened to The Real Housewives of Scientology. Follow us through the Wonderland that is Insanity. Other topics include: Mike Pence’s Bus Driver, Lisa Marie Presley, Isaac Hayes, South Park, OT 3, The Underground Bunker, Tony Ortega, David Miscavige, LRH, L Ron Hubbard, Going Clear, Henry Cavil, Mission Impossible, Leah Remini, Karen Bass, The Unimaginary Friend 250 episode teaser, Nathan’s Urban Hikes, Architecture, You’re going to hell, Why do you Heart the Devil?, Homo’s, Emo’s, High Fullutent, Sophisticated Swine, Sports Nuts & Government Recipients, Bahi’s, New Ager’s, P.K.