Unimaginary Friendcast

#130 - Music Sensation Ben Edmondson!



Time for a musical treat! Ben Edmondson is a co-founder of The Byson Band, an acoustic/folk/rock/country band from western Pennsylvania, and he’s flown all the way to LA to serenade the Unimaginary Friendcast! Ben’s got a voice of gold and he can strum a six-string with the best of them! And you guessed it, he’s also Nathan’s brother! Topics Include: - David Gets Chest Implants?! - A Cross-Country Road Trip! - Erin Plays with Babies! - Advice for Aspiring Musicians! And so much more! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the most downloaded podcast in the world! The Unimaginary Friendcast! The Unimaginary Friendcast is hosted by David Monster, Erin Marie Bette Davis Jr. and Nathan Edmondson. https://unimaginaryfriend.com/podcast/ And find us on Facebook!