Unimaginary Friendcast

Is the Human Race Good or Bad? - The Final Decision!



The Pros and Cons of the Human Race are presented, discussed and argued in this week’s podcast episode of the Unimaginary Friendcast. Are Humans Good? Are Humans Bad? David, Erin and Nathan make up their minds! What do you think….? Topics Include: Lots of crappy things Humans do! Lots of kinda nice things Humans do! David Demystifies Netflix’s Stranger Things! Erin’s and Nathan’s Social Media Diet: The 1 Week Report! Elizabeth Moss’s Scientology Meltdown at the Emmy’s!?! David Announces his Book Deal with the author of Zombie Exodus, and prior podcast guest, Jim Dattilo! Our Hosts respond to Audience Comments!!!  And so Much More! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the most downloaded podcast in the world! The Unimaginary Friendcast! The Unimaginary Friendcast is hosted by David Monster, Erin Marie Bette Davis Jr. and Nathan Edmondson. www.unimaginaryfriend.com/friendcast And find us on Facebook!