Unimaginary Friendcast

Gays and Rape in Scientology!



Topics Include: - The Gay Way to Happiness! - Scientology has been Accused of Covering Up Rapes?! What?! - Erin Blows the Lid off of Logan and the X-Men! Spoiler Alert! - David Grows a Hulk Hogan Mustache! - Erin and Nathan Run 22 Miles! Watch the Exclusive Live Post-Run Report on the Unimaginary Friend Facebook Page! And so much more! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the most downloaded podcast in the world! The Unimaginary Friendcast! The Unimaginary Friendcast is hosted by David Monster, Erin Marie Bette Davis Jr. and Nathan Edmondson. www.unimaginaryfriend.com/friendcast And find us on Facebook