Unimaginary Friendcast

How to Be 10% Happier Thanks to Dan Harris and Meditation!



Topics Include:  - Book Review: "10% Happier" by Dan Harris! ABC Correspondent Dan Harris's book covers his discovery and exploration of meditation and how it's changed and improved his life! Ours Hosts put Mr. Harris's info to the test by sitting for 5 minutes mid-podcast! - Unimaginary Friendcast Hosts Attain Enlightenment! - Film Recommendations: "Lion" and "Hidden Figures"! - Are the Smart People the Ones Who Have GIVEN UP?! - Moderation vs. Gluttony: The Battle Wages On! And so much more! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the most downloaded podcast in the world! The Unimaginary Friendcast! The Unimaginary Friendcast is hosted by David Monster, Erin Marie Bette Davis Jr. and Nathan Edmondson. www.unimaginaryfriend.com/friendcast And find us on Facebook!