Ryan Is Super Strong!

Episode 192 - Is Jesse Willis Super Strong? (#CORONAFILES)



Strength Level: The Mighty Chanticleer On this week’s installment of the “Ryan is Super Strong!” Podcast, I have brought you a TRUE bad ass, recording all the way from Myrtle Beach, SC!! DR. JESSE WILLIS IS IN THE HOUSE!! Jesse is not only a doctor, a father, and a bad ass drummer. In addition to all of these things, he is one of my favorite people on this very globe, and one of my closest friends. One thing I’m very grateful about during this Corona time is that all of you get to meet even more of my bad ass friends!!! So I hope you enjoy this episode, check Jesse Willis out in any way that you can, check out his program at Coastal Carolina University, and then feel a little closer to one of the coolest drummers walking around today!! OUR PERSONAL THOUGHTS FOR YOU TODAY:
This Quarantine blows. I hope you’re getting through is as well as you possibly can, because I KNOW it sucks!! I’m right there with you, and so is the whole dang globe, so please know that you’re not alone, and that you are loved!! Th