Ryan Is Super Strong!

BEST OF MUSIC - PART 6 - Episode 188 - Is these memories super strong?



Strength Level: Unemployment!! This week, the Best Of Music series continues with Volumes 6 today, and 7 coming out on Friday!!! This episode features: Rachel Mazer (from Episode 137 where she shared, “Is It So Wrong?” from her debut album, “How Do We Get By?”) David Aggyare (from Episode 183 where he shared, “Gateway Drug” from The Brevet’s album, “Legs”) Jeff Sorenson (from Episode 168 where he shared, “Day Tripper” from Pete Anderson’s album, “60’s with a Twist”) Hauk Heimdallsman (from Episode 184 where he shared, “Three Chords” from his album, “Red Tail Rising”) Fernando Navarro (from Episode 142 where he shared his track, “Striges”) Symphonic Planet (from the #NAMMUARY Series and past episode where they shared, “Trip to Krakatoa) Quartet 405 (from the #NAMMUARY Series where they shared their Medley of Paul Anka’s Music) Hush Crush (from the #NAMMUARY Series where they shared the tune, “Katana”) Bird and the War (from Episode 182 where they shared their tune, “Memories”) Andrea Lisa (from Episode 181 a