Ryan Is Super Strong!

Episode 170 - Is Matt Evans Super Strong?



Strength Level: The Marching Band This week, I’ve got the WONDERFUL pleasure delight of introducing you to this multi instrumentalist, this brass specialist, this fellow Silverlake Conservatory family member, and this all around great human man: MATT EVANS!! Matt is one of those guys that I’ve run into over the years, and I’m ALWAYS so glad when it happens. We had a few beers before this recording, and it was one of the first times we ever got to just sit down and chill, and it made me like him even more! 
By the time we started recording, it was just a full on trip down to silly town. I hope you enjoy it, and check out ANYTHING you can involving this wonderful man!!! OUR PERSONAL THOUGHTS FOR YOU TODAY: NAMMUARY STARTS NEXT WEEEEEK!!!! Can’t wait to start unveiling these episodes, so get pumped, go back and listen to all of your favorite episodes, and we’ll see ya again NEXT WEEK!!!!!