Ryan Is Super Strong!

Episode 164 - Is Brett Rojas Super Strong?



Strength Level: Pumpkin Pie! It’s finally THANKSGIVING time!!! Man I love this time of year and holiday, and I hope you do too. And what better to be thankful for than another BAD ASS GUEST??!?!?!!??
 This week, I’ve invited the wonderful: BRETT ROJAS. 
Brett is a gentleman, a fellow drummer/percussionist, MULTI instrumentalist, native Los Angeleno, and so much more. I’m grateful for his friendship in my life, and you should be too!!! So check out Brett (@brojasperc on IG), scoop yourself another big ole helping of mashed taters, stuffing, or whatever your favorite thanksgiving side dish is, and scream 5 things your grateful for at your family! They love it!! OUR PERSONAL THOUGHTS FOR YOU TODAY: I hope your surrounded by family, friends, love and FOOD this Thanksgiving!!! And as usual, I’m REALLY thankful for you. :)