Ryan Is Super Strong!

Episode 149 - Is Jonas Petersen Super Strong?



Strength Level: Earthquakes Today, we have the wonderfully talented man, JONAS PETERSEN on the show! Jonas is an international man of intrigue, travels all over the globe creating music with past guest Noor Che’ree for their BAD ASS project Symphonic Planet (@symphonicplanetofficial on the ole IG), has great stories, a great laugh, and is just a great guy to learn more about and hang with! Today, you get that opportunity by hangin with us!!! We beg the universe, talk natural disasters, talk about fears and goal completion, and so many more things!!! Jonas chose not to share any music today because Noor did on episode 115, so if you’re interested in hearing more from Symphonic Planet, please go check that episode out, and then hit up their websites to REALLY dig in! Their project, and the music that comes from it, is SO cool and unique and I really hope it will blow up like crazy soon! After you fall in love with Jonas, I hope you follow him wherever you can (@jonasviolins on IG), and support Symphonic Pl