Ryan Is Super Strong!

Episode 144 - Is Amy Cadle Super Strong?



Strength Level: The Açai Berry This week, the mighty and powerful AMY CADLE is IN THE HOUSE!!!!! I can’t wait for you guys to meet this cool cool friend of mine. She’s been on my list of bad ass guests since I started this whacky show, but because of us living in different cities, and hardly ever getting to hang anymore, it’s taken for dang ever to happen!! But, better late than never as every one of our ancestors has said. Amy is the leader of the Super Sonic Samba School in San Diego (yes, that’s a ton of s’s!), and one of the best Brazilian percussionists I know. In addition, she is truly kind, cool as all hell, and just someone you’re going to want to know for the rest of your dang life! After you listen, go follow Amy (@amycadle @supersonicsambaschool) in any way that you can, and you’ll enjoy a much better life because of this. OUR PERSONAL THOUGHTS FOR YOU TODAY: If you don’t know about Brazilian percussion, hit youtube and google like CRAZY after you hear a million words on this episode of the po