Ryan Is Super Strong!

Episode 141 - Is David Linard Super Strong?



Strength Level: A Tornado Unlike the way a tornado rushes into your neighborhood and destroys everything in its path, pianist, composer, and all around gentleman, David Linard rushes into your neighborhood and spreads joy, warmth, and smiling faces to everyone who sees him. David was in LA for a short trip from NYC to celebrate the podcast that he composed for, "Tell Them I Am" (which you should check out IMMEDIATELY), and I think you’ll be able to hear the joy in my voice from just having the opportunity to share air with this man. I hope this joy spreads first to your ears, and then immediately to your own smiling face. David is such a great person, and I’m overjoyed to share not only his personality with all of you, but also, a little clip of him playing on the Latin Jazz Collective album, “Que Sorpresa!”, and a ton of music from Sammy Miller and the Congregation, including a NEW TRACK that you probably haven’t heard EVEN if you’re one of the SMC’s biggest fans!! Once you’ve listened to this episode a