Ryan Is Super Strong!

Episode 138 - Is Corey Frye Super Strong?



Strength Level: Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice If you’ve ever liked one second of this show before, this episode will make you squeal with happiness and delight. Holy moly. This week, Ryan brings in his dear friend, and true delight of a man, COREY FRYE!!!!! Corey is an amazing person, singer, front man for the band “The Main Squeeze”, and so much damn more.
Friends since the IU days, Corey and Ryan share MANY mutual friends. Many of these friends happen to be past guests like Rueben Gingrich, Owen Stevenson, and Dustin Koester; and now it’s time to unveil ALL of those wonderful men’s hidden secrets. ;) In addition to sharing his bright personality and a ton of silly stories with you, Corey brought some DAMN TUNES man. 
Basically, you couldn’t even ask for more from this show if you tried. You couldn’t. You just can’t. Enjoy this episode, follow Corey (@fryezwiththat), follow “The Main Squeeze” (@instasqueeze), go to iTunes and buy ALL OF THEIR DANG MUSIC, stream and youtube EVERYTHING, and become Corey’s