Ryan Is Super Strong!

Episode 38 - Is Chris Luebeck Super Strong?



Strength Level: Tequila on an empty stomach Who better than this lovely man to help us end our Nashville series, & smash us back into LA? NO one. That's who. This man, this week, is the wonderful CHRIS LUEBECK. Chris & Super Strong Ryan have been friends & played tons of music together for years. LA recently lost him to the lovely Nashville, but we have him back today to talk about if guitar is really cool or not, long hair vs short hair, SSR's old game boys, place to skateboard down on your belly, & SO MUCH MORE! We couldn't be happier with anyone else to help wrap up our Nashville series & we really think you oughta get online today & start following Chris ASAP (@luebs89)!!! Also look for him on tour with Aaron Goodvin & on upcoming albums with Pat Sansone of WILCO! Chris ain't messin around, & as usual, WE ONLY HAVE BAD ASSES ON THIS SHOW!!! Our personal thoughts for you today: If you're feeling lonely, imagine being alone in the forest for 40 years. THEN you'd be really lonely. Not today.....not on t