Ryan Is Super Strong!

Episode 28 - Is Varna Super Strong?



Strength Level: A ballet dancer's toes V-A-R-N-A and Varna was their Name-O! Episode 28 brings us one step closer to our dream of ultimate strength, and to help guide us even closer, Super Strong Ryan has brought in the aid & assistance of the LA based rock trio, VARNA! Tiana, Eddie, and Sean are here to talk compliments, gross smoothies, Kevin Bacon movie scenes, & ALL the hard issues that are plaguing our youth today (butt slaps, etc). This band knows how to put on a GREAT live show, are fun to have around & climbing quick! So follow them on social media (@varnarocks) to keep up with all their shows, releases, & general tom foolery ASAP!!!! If this podcast were a person, it would want to hold your hand so badly.