Kristi Lee Uninterrupted

The Ultimate Speaker: Scott McKain



Ooh that voice so distinct and smooth! World renowned motivational and business speaker Scott McKain is my guest this week. Scott has a remarkable ability to captivate and motivate anyone. With a passion for business and bestselling books to back him up, Scott wows crowds with his dynamic presentations. We learn how he has become one of the best in the business. With a surprising start in not only radio but Future Farmers of America or FFA. As the state of Indiana FFA chapter president he took to the stage giving speeches all over the country. After college hear how Scott met the famed film director Werner Hertzog. Hertzog was so impressed he asked Scott to play a villain in the movie “Stroszek”. Which was named one of the 50 great movies in the history of cinema by film critic Roger Ebert. That role lead to a syndicated entertainment segment on 80 television stations for a decade and a stint as an anchorman for a CBS affiliate. And then came the speeches, 7 books, and the founder and owner of several busines