Kristi Lee Uninterrupted

Vince Todd: Heroes Foundation



Let’s face it cancer SUCKS! In one way or another we have all been effected by this horrible disease. My guest this week has lived through some of the scariest words ever uttered: “you have cancer”. Vince Todd was diagnosed with Hodgkins disease (a blood cancer) at the tender age of 26. He shares with us what it was like to hear his diagnosis and enduring the 7 months of chemotherapy that followed. Halfway through the treatment he was gifted Lance Armstrong's book and became inspired to help others like Lance did with his LIVESTRONG foundation. So, he and his wife Cindy threw a party hoping to raise 10,000 dollars. They called on family and friends and brought in close to 45,000 dollars that first year! The Heroes Foundation was born and now they annual “beer kegger” has turned into a 700+ gala and 4 other annual events. This years “An Evening With Heroes” will be held on January 20th 2018 at the JW Marriott in downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. The special guest speakers is Samantha Smith, widow of Butler baske