Kristi Lee Uninterrupted

Keeping the Resolution with Joe Boggs



So you made a resolution to “get lean in 2017”. How are you doing? Maybe you haven’t even started, maybe you have fallen off a bit... Well, today’s show will hopefully help keep you motivated or get you motivated to begin a new fitness lifestyle. I have invited my own personal trainer Joe Boggs to join me in discussing what it takes to “be fit”. Joe studied exercise science at Ball State University, is an HCCS Certified Personal Trainer, American Council on Exercise Certified Health Coach and a Certified Power Plate Instructor. We explore the options available to those of us who weren’t born to work out everyday for hours at a time. The positive and negatives of the “Big Box Gym," the power of having the right mind set, what to look for in a trainer, nutrition, stretching, bad gym etiquette and STRESS. We discuss the “I have to lift heavy weights to get buff” mentality, one that almost cost Tom Brady his football career, and ladies, yes you can lift weights and not bulk up. I promise. So pop in your earbuds a