Kristi Lee Uninterrupted

Dr. Rob and Hanging Out with Orangutans



Step into the world of the Orangutan with Indianapolis Zoo Executive Vice President and Zoo Director, Dr. Robert Shumaker, PH.D. Dr Shumaker or as we like to call him Dr. Rob is one of the foremost authorities on primate behavior, including the cognitive abilities of the highly intelligent orangutan. In 2009 Dr. Shumaker moved to Indianapolis to open the Simon Skjodt International Orangutan Center. After opening in 2014 it has become the largest of it’s kind. His main goal is to make people care more about these amazing, intelligent creatures that deserve our respect and the chance to survive. The wild orangutan habitat is being threatened in the Southeast Asian islands of Borneo and Sumatra. We discuss ways to help replenish forests and keep the species thriving. If we do nothing the orangutan could die out in 10 to 20 years. We also discuss the incredible cognitive skills of the orangutan and the role “Rocky”, one of the orangutans, is playing in the origins of spoken language. Fascinating insight and conve