Real Estate Real World

Episode 94: Irene Hammond | Making a Niche Work For You



It was so fun having long time realtor and author of the book, “Retirement Isn’t Boring When You Live in an Active Adult Community,” Irene Hammond on the show! She shared some fantastic insight into her real estate specialty, the over 55 communities, and why it has been proven so profitable for her. Finding a niche can be so beneficial within the real estate industry. It not only sets you apart, but makes you recognizable for buyers and referrals. When you have a specialty that you have truly dug your heels into, learned everything you can about it, and made it known that you are the expert it makes marketing to your desired cliental that much simpler. Irene found her niche within active adult communities during a time that they were only beginning to take form and no one had really dove into this specialty. 15 years later, she has accumulated so much knowledge and experience within her niche that she was able to write a book! I think for most of us the common misperception of retirement communities is the