Real Estate Real World

Episode 43: Bill Crane | Making Clients More Than Facebook Friends



As someone I personally connected with through Facebook, I can tell you how valuable it is to grow and deepen relationships in order to gain any value from them. Bill Crane is a perfect example of what you can learn when you take the time to get to know someone. A successful coach for entrepreneurs and real estate professionals alike, Bill shares the value of relationships and conquering the fear of rejection. You’ll find cold calls and door knocking aren’t so scary once you push through the fear and find there was never anything to be afraid of in the first place. The person on the other end of that phone call or door isn’t taking your presence personally, why should you let their reaction make or break your day? The objective in real estate, after all, is to help your clients sell/buy a home. The commission is just a bonus! Our focus should always be on how we can help people, making real estate personal again. Not only will your relationships grow from this mindset, but so will your business and ho