Real Estate Real World

Episode 15: Frank Bernardo | Crazy Social Media Secret that Even I Didn't Know...



I have been a huge fan of Facebook for years as it has led to not only many rekindled friendships, staying in touch with family and friends but I have also gotten business from it and frankly (Pun intended, sorry Frank lol) I thought I knew just about everything there was to know…. Then I had the pleasure of talking with Frank Bernardo, Social Media Guru, on my newest podcast and couldn’t believe the ULTRA SIMPLE stuff he brought up that I never even thought about. In fact there is ONE thing that over 70% of the real estate agents are missing in their Facebook profile that is keeping them from getting business! Listen in as Frank and I chat about how you can correct that mistake in seconds and a few more Hot Tips that will for sure change how you look at Social Media. Oh and please leave your comments and let me know what you think and your ideas on how you are using social media to help your business.