New Books In Dance

K. E. Goldschmitt, "Bossa Mundo: Brazilian Music in Transnational Media Industries" (Oxford UP, 2019)



Bossa Mundo: Brazilian Music in Transnational Media Industries (Oxford University Press, 2020) takes on the circulation of Brazilian music in the Global North since the 1960s. The challenge faced by Brazilian musicians who wish to break into Anglophone markets is formidable. They must deal with the demoralizing effects of the exoticization of the music and the performers, while also struggling with networks of distribution that create fads and just as quickly drop them. K. E. Goldschmitt focuses on watershed moments of Brazil's musical breakthrough, exploring what the music may have represented in a particular historical moment alongside its deeper cultural impact.  Through a discussion of the political meaning of mass-mediated music, they argue for a shift in scholarly focus--from viewing music as simply a representation of Otherness to taking into account the broader media environment where listeners and intermediaries often have conflicting priorities. Throughout the book, Goldschmitt traces several lines