New Books In Dance

Felicia Rose Chavez, "The Antiracist Writing Workshop: How to Decolonize the Creative Classroom" (Breakbeat Poets, 2020)



Felicia Rose Chavez' The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop: How to Decolonize the Creative Classroom (Breakbeat Poets, 2020) is a practical and persuasive guide to revolutionizing the teaching of creative writing. Combining theory, memoir, and pedagogy, this book guides the reader through the process of de-centering whiteness (and de-centering the instructor) to allow all students but particularly students of color to find their unique voices and pursue their personal and and artistic goals. The insights in this book are derived from the creative writing classroom, but they are readily applicable to any creative pursuit. This is a must-read book for creative writing instructors looking for ways to break down the rigid hierarchies that have defined the creative writing classroom for more than eighty years. Andy Boyd is a playwright based in Brooklyn, New York. He is a graduate of the playwriting MFA at Columbia University, Harvard University, and the Arizona School for the Arts. Learn more about your ad choices. Vi