#futureproof Podcast

#FuturePRoof podcast: tackling the PR industry’s lack of diversity and organisational racism



#FuturePRoof podcast: tackling the PR industry’s lack of diversity and organisational racism With Stephen and Sarah Waddington In the latest edition of the #FuturePRoof podcast we discuss: Cultural grief following the tragic and unlawful death of George Floyd in the US and how organisations should respond, with reference to Katrina Marshall’s thoughtful article for #FuturePRoof, published on #BlackoutTuesday  Why the white community needs to educate itself about the #BlackLivesMatter movement and practical steps we can all take, with thanks to guidance from BME PR Pros founder Elizabeth Bananuka The good - and mainly bad - of recent brand responses and the need for actions over words Some news about the launch of Stephen’s new professional advisory firm – gun for hire! A reminder about the latest events and support out there including PRFest www.futureproofingcomms.co.uk/