Unimaginary Friendcast

#307 - Would Ya?



Would you take a risk and have an exciting life, or remain the scared little Bitch you’ve always been? We whip out some unbelievably entertaining questions that make you think, laugh, and renew your zest for life. Some listeners even join in with adorable answers and some pithy questions of their own. #yourewelcome Other topics include: Thanksgiving, Spotify & Nathan’s year in review, Know-it-alls, huggers & handshakers, Alleged Rapist Danny Masterson, Scientology, Colorado Gay Bar Hero, Susan, Sharon, Velour, & Craig, pizza, So sit back, relax, and enjoy the most downloaded podcast in the world! The Unimaginary Friendcast! The Unimaginary Friendcast is hosted by David Monster, Erin Marie Bette Davis Jr. and Nathan Von Edmondson. https://unimaginaryfriend.com/podcast/ And find us on Facebook