Dr. Susan Allison

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We Carry The Light with Host Dr. Susan Allison We Carry the Light, "Inspiration for Transformation," is the show that inspires you to find the light within, the highest of you are, and shine your brightest. Your host, Dr. Susan Allison, will help you to celebrate your unique self. We Carry the Light will help you to discover who you are right now and who you want to be. You will learn what makes you happy, helps you feel fulfilled and living your purpose. You carry the unique light that only you can shine. This light is energy, information, wisdom and love that you are meant to share. In doing so you can transform yourself, help others and our planet. If the entire world were a jigsaw puzzle and each person one piece, what is your piece, your offering that helps create a better world? On We Carry the Light you'll hear from guests who model how to be the highest, brightest, most evolved, fulfilled and conscious people we can be. Together we can illumine and transform ourselves and the planet. We can evolve into a new species of divine humans that some now call "homo luminous." We know from quantum physics that all matter is densely packed light, including us, and scientists tell us we are made from the stars. We do carry the light within us, the light of who we truly are as we fulfill what we are meant to do here on earth. About Dr. Susan Allison - Dr. Allison is a transpersonal psychologist, process therapist, shamanic practitioner, energy healer, ordained minister and the award-winning author of five books. Her first non-fiction text, Conscious Divorce, Ending a Marriage with Integrity was published by Random House and has helped thousands heal their hearts and move on with greater awareness and peace. Her companion poetry book, Breathing Room, the Leaving of a Marriage, assists readers to feel the emotions during the grieving process of separation and divorce, and feel hope that they can begin a new life. Her next non-fiction book Empowered Healer, Gain the Confidence, Power and Ability to Heal Yourself, gives readers the four steps to miraculous self-healing, based on the author's twenty years of research and practice. A newly released poetry book, Our Spirits Dance, Poetry of Soul Mates, shares the love poems of the author and her husband, Thomas Hickenbottom, over their nineteen years together, until his transition in 2013. This book is Dr. Allison's most personal one yet, and offers readers the beauty of soul-mated love, with the poems speaking across the page like love letters being exchanged. A new non-fiction book You Don't Have To Die To Go to Heaven, Visit Spirit Realms, Gain Insight and Enrich Your Life, is due out in the fall of 2015 with Red Wheel/Weiser/Hampton Roads Publishing. Dr. Allison has also been honored as a "Woman of the Year" in California for her work with adolescents, has received several outstanding teaching awards, has been published dozens of times in journals and magazines and has won a prose award for her short story Mated Ones. Dr. Allison works with clients and groups in private practice as well as doing phone sessions with individuals all over the world. She has been a radio host of the popular show "Empowered Healer," with 14,000 listeners, and has been a guest on over fifty shows, sharing her empowered healer method, her poetry and most recently, her ability to spirit travel to other dimensions and help listeners overcome their fear of death and visit departed loved ones. When she is not seeing clients, writing or speaking, she enjoys a joyful life by the sea in Santa Cruz, California.


  • Telling the Truth WILL Set You Free - Co-host Dr. Susan Allison


    What is your truth? What is it you really feel about yourself, your life and those around you? If you find yourself feeling discontent, dissatisfied, even depressed, and seeking diversions and distractions (even addictions) to stuff down your feelings, then you need to tell your truth. You can tell it in your private journal, speak it into your phone recording app., tell a good friend, partner, or better yet, a professional. What words, feelings or thoughts are you stuffing down inside you? What are you hiding that is actually waking you up and keeping you from going to sleep, is on your mind even when you try to avoid it? Theres nothing like the present to unburden yourself, speak your truth and fly free. Callers to the show can work with Dr. Allison to get to the truth inside.

  • Healing Relationships by Focusing on the Good with Co-host Dr. Susan Allison. Call-in to the show - 800-930-2819


    We’ve all seen couples fighting on television talk shows, bringing up all the dirt and attacking one another, even shoving and pulling hair. It’s drama, and maybe brings more viewers and more money to networks. But focusing on the negative, staying in the past, never forgiving or looking at what has worked in the relationship will only increase the number of divorces. The new therapy for couples is about focusing on the good, focusing on what originally attracted each person, what has worked in the relationship and can work again. On today’s show Dr. Susan Allison will share stories of successful couples and will also give steps every couple can use to improve their relationship, heal any hurt and move forward in new commitment.

  • Modern Soul Shaman with Co-host Dr. Susan Allison


    What if you could become the shaman of your own soul, could learn to journey inside your heart space and meet your higher self? What if you could spirit travel to shamanic worlds and meet beings that love you? What if you could receive guidance and healing to completely transform your life right now? Dr. Susan Allison, author of You Don’t Have to Die to Go to Heaven, will tell you how to find answers to your greatest life questions, how to take those answers and use them to enhance and enrich your life. Call in to the show, 800-930-2819, and have Dr. Allison do a mini-session with you right on the show!

  • You Don't Have to Die to Go to Heaven with Author Dr. Susan Allison


    The good news is you don’t have to have a near death experience or actually die to experience spiritual dimensions, including “a level of heaven.” You can go there today using a practice called shamanic journey. On today’s show Dr. Susan Allison will share the contents of her new book, just released today, titled You Don’t Have to Die to Go to Heaven, How to Find Guidance and Healing in the Spirit Realms. Dr. Allison wrote the book to help you and everyone overcome the fear of death and know where your departed loved ones are. After twenty-two years of spirit traveling using shamanic journeying, Dr. Susan knows from direct experience that her own loved ones are happy and flourishing, that we are all immortal and there is no death.

  • The New Spirituality with Co-host Dr. Susan Allison


    What’s the difference between religion and spirituality? Why are so many people turning away from traditional religion and not going to church anymore? Dr. Susan Allison, author, radio host, psychologist, Course in Miracles Minister and healer, will tell you why. She will also share what it is that many people do want, what they hunger for and how they can find and embrace this “new spirituality.” If you feel at times that something is missing in your life, that you want more than you have currently, that you know you are greater and want something greater, listen to this show! The answers you have been seeking are close at hand. They are within you.

  • No Longer Fear Death with Co-host Dr. Susan Allison


    Are you looking forward to your life after death? Are you unafraid of this life transition, or does the idea of dying scare you? Join us on today’s show as Dr. Susan Allison shares her experiences in what she calls “a level of heaven,” visiting her departed husband, Tom, and also meeting her soul family, divine teachers and her mom and dad. She will also describe how you can spirit travel to other dimensions, to spirit realms, and find guidance and healing from animal helpers, allies, guides and teachers. Her new book, You Don’t Have to Die to Go to Heaven, due out December 1, will even tell you more about how to no longer fear death and know that you are immortal and that your loved ones are just fine! You can even pre-order her book today on Amazon!

  • Your Soul Mate is Waiting - with Co-Host Dr. Susan Allison


    Would you like to meet the love of your life? All you have to do is get ready and the universe will do the rest. On today’s show, let Dr. Susan Allison share how to prepare and then what to do when it happens!

  • One Spirit Medicine with Dr. Alberto Villoldo


    Have you ever wanted to grow a new body, one that mends rapidly, ages gracefully, and keeps you connected to Spirit, to the earth, and to a renewed sense of purpose? Alberto Villoldo, as a medical anthropologist trained in the shamanic tradition, promises that you can feel better in a few days, begin to clear your mind and brain in a week, and in six weeks, you will be on your way to "growing a new body!" In his new book One Spirit Medicine, and on today's show, Dr. Villoldo teaches you how to detoxify your brain and gut with superfoods and supplements, shares how to turn off the "death clocks" in your cells, and learn how to work with the luminous energy field to restore your health and vitality. To really heal, Villoldo tells us that we must return to the wisdom of the shamans and traditional healers from thousands of years ago; we must return to "One Spirit Medicine."

  • Conscious Evolution with Barbara Marx Hubbard


    Do you know how unique you are as a member of “Generation One,” part of the first group on earth to face global crisis and choose to consciously evolve as a species? What an honor and a responsibility for us all! Barbara Marx Hubbard, author of Conscious Evolution, will share how our current crisis and our response represent the birth of our next stage of evolution. Her book and philosophy are specifically for those of you who want to transform and grow, to fulfill your creative potential and save humanity and the planet in the process! As co-creators of this evolution, we are birthing a new universal humanity. We are facing radical newness and Hubbard will show us how we are to move forward…together.

  • Guest Host Dr. Susan Allison - There Is No Death


    What if there is no death? What if the essence or energy of who you are is immortal? If you knew this to be true, would you live differently here? Could you relax and let go of your fear? Could you truly live? On today's show Dr. Susan Allison will share personal stories about her husband's transition and about her direct experience of the spirit world, some call heaven. She will tell you how you can release your own fear of death and connect with departed loved ones, and in the process, realize we are all immortal.

  • One Spirit Medicine with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.


    Have you ever wanted to grow a new body, one that mends rapidly, ages gracefully, and keeps you connected to Spirit, to the earth, and to a renewed sense of purpose? Alberto Villoldo, as a medical anthropologist trained in the shamanic tradition, promises that you can feel better in a few days, begin to clear your mind and brain in a week, and in six weeks, you will be on your way to "growing a new body!" In his new book One Spirit Medicine, and on today's show, Dr. Villoldo teaches you how to detoxify your brain and gut with superfoods and supplements, shares how to turn off the "death clocks" in your cells, and learn how to work with the luminous energy field to restore your health and vitality. To really heal, Villoldo tells us that we must return to the wisdom of the shamans and traditional healers from thousands of years ago; we must return to "One Spirit Medicine."

  • Spiritual Telepathy with Colleen Mauro


    Would you like to be able to access higher sources of wisdom and guidance? Author, Colleen Mauro, shows you how in her timeless book Spiritual Telepathy, Ancient Techniques to Access the Wisdom of Your Soul. On today's show Colleen will share her own journey as well as inspiring stories about ordinary people who have learned to access the universal wellspring of creativity and inspiration. She will also give you specific tools and exercises to use, beginning today, so that you can access this source and fulfill your own soul's purpose.

  • Divine Downloads with Co-host Dr. Susan Allison


    How can we be more receptive to inspiration, to magical ideas and bursts of creativity? On today’s show author and artist Susan Allison will share her own experience with what she calls “Divine Downloads.” For a decade, ever since a birthday trip on the California coast, Dr. Allison has been “catching” songs, poems, paintings and book ideas that seem to come out of nowhere right into her head and heart. It is now her belief that these inspirations come from Source, Spirit, the Divine, the Higher Self, the Mind of God, or whatever you call this universal Creative Force. She will share how to be more receptive to these downloads, how to invite them in more often, and what environment and attitude seem to attract them most. Get ready to receive you own Divine Downloads after today’s show!

  • The Gentle Way of the Heart with Anders Nilsson, Ph.D.


    How can we follow our hearts in such a busy and often challenging world? On today's show scientist, spiritual seeker and author Anders Nilsson will show us how. Dr. Nilsson is not only a brilliant scientist and professor at two major universities, but he has discovered a spiritual path that can help all of us be happier and more fulfilled. Anders believes that each of us has a spark of God in our hearts and this divine spark can light our way. During the show Nilsson will share his own spiritual awakening during a challenging life passage and how he not only recovered, but learned how to follow his own heart. He will share exercises and methods of tuning into your own heart from his incredible book The Gentle Way of the Heart.

  • Talking Story with Marie-Rose Phan-Le


    On today’s show Marie-Rose Phan-Le will share some of the richest spiritual traditions in the world, such as shamanism, spirit channeling, plant medicine and divination. The author will offer her own personal story of transformation that occurred while researching these ancient practices. Her new book, Talking Story: One Woman’s Quest to Preserve Ancient Spiritual and Healing Traditions is based on her award winning documentary film, “Talking Story.” Her powerful message is that spiritual traditions, healing practices and indigenous cultural values are important in our lives.

  • Guest Host Dr. Susan Allison - The Energy Codes with Dr. Sue Morter


    Did you know that everything is energy, including us? Dr. Sue Morter will share her passion for “cracking the code of life itself.” She will speak of her experience as a doctor and tell you about a life-changing awakening she had during meditation. Dr. Sue will talk about energy, how it vibrates at different frequencies and how this affects you in your daily life. Dr. Sue will also share how this energy can transform your life, how you can remove blockages to let your energy flow. She will also discuss how to keep producing more energy by teaching you techniques that you can begin practicing right now. By the end of the show, Dr. Sue will have shared the benefits of her “Energy Code Work” and we will all want to learn more!

  • Hardwiring Happiness with Dr. Rick Hanson


    What would it take to be happy most of the time, to feel satisfied and calm in each moment? Author and neuropsychologist Rick Hanson shows us how in his new book Hardwiring Happiness, The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm and Confidence. Rick will share four steps to take in the good into our brains: first, have a positive experience, next, extend it and then, absorb it. These steps when practiced, activate a useful mental state and then install it in the brain. The fourth step is being able to hold the positive and the negative feeling and then replace the negative one with the positive, such as feeling glad and grateful rather than sad; connected rather than separated, loved rather than mistreated and so on. Dr. Hanson inspires us to build positive resources inside us, that over time will sensitize our brains to the good…..for good!

  • Love Cycles with Linda Carroll


    Did you know that there are five stages to love, from merging to doubt and denial, then to disillusionment, decision and wholehearted loving? Couples therapist Linda Carroll will help you understand these stages and how to master them in your own relationship. She will offer a roadmap for following love's path, sharing research, practical techniques and insights to help you manage conflict and develop greater intimacy. Linda Carroll is truly a love expert who can help us navigate the often mysterious, difficult and wondrous journey of wholehearted love.

  • Change as a Catalyst for Transformation with Dr. Susan Allison


    Do you love change, or do you secretly hate it? Well, regardless of your feelings about change, it is the only 'given' the only constant in our lives, and whether we like it or not, it is here to stay. Dr. Susan offers ways to handle change more easily, with less stress and effort, and actually with more awareness and gratitude. Even the change that is hardest, the losses of people, jobs, homes and dreams can offer us the gift of transformation. Finally, we can 'be the change' and rather than letting life happen to us, we can be proactive and clearly take action that is positive and uplifting for us and the planet.

  • Dr. and Master Sha, Miracle Soul Healer with William Gladstone


    What accounts for miraculous healings unexplainable by doctors? Are spiritual healings real? On today's show, William Gladstone will tell the story of his time with Dr. and Master Sha, how he was skeptical at first, but then after observing his healings, talking with his students, and researching the science behind these healings, he became amazed and convinced that these "miracles" were real. Bill Gladstone became a believer in Dr. and Master Sha, and now he wants to share his experience with the world in his new breakthrough book Dr. and Master Sha, Miracle Soul Healer. Be prepared to become a believer, too

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